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Titlu recrutare Customer Support & Helpdesk – Telecom Industry
CategoriiIT, Tehnic, Vanzari

Customer Support & Helpdesk – Telecom Industry

What we are looking for:

  • A young, energetic, professional, technical university graduate;
  • Has 1 to 3 years of previous work experience in the same position;
  • Likes interacting with people, good teamwork abilities;
  • Wants to start a career in an American company;
  • Must have very good knowledge of both spoken and written English;
  • Must have very good knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite (outlook, excel);
  • The candidate has strong analytical skills, is very focused on details, has excellent problem solving abilities;
  • Ability to multi-task;
  • CCNA certificate is a plus.


  • The candidate will work closely with other members from the technical team, reporting to the Technical Manager, based in Romania;
  • The candidate will be using web based systems, for his work;
  • Offering e-mail support for customers complaints through a well-organized ticket system;
  • Monitoring quality of service offered to our clients for certain services and make sure benchmark quality criteria are met;
  • Offering internal technical support to other team members from the other departments (sales and technical) whenever is needed (for example providing them with reports, live statistics, history and trending of traffic, etc.);
  • Making test calls via automated testing tool to check route QoS;
  • Will take part in internal projects that involve automating work processes, improving procedures and day to day workflows.


  • A perfect start for a career in Telecom;
  • Internal company training in telecommunications and Voice over IP, a relatively new type of business in Romania;
  • The working schedule has fixed hours but has a certain degree of flexibility: as long as it is agreed with the manager;
  • The possibility to advance on other position inside the company in the future, based on skills;
  • Working in a very young team, that loves working hard but having fun also;
  • We encourage our team members to be creative, and we try to be as flexible as possible in everything we do, especially when it comes to new ideas improving how we work;
  • Work laptop;
  • Fixed salary.

Titlu recrutare Inginer Ofertare AV/IT/Security
CategoriiAchizitii, IT, Securitate, Tehnic, Vanzari

Inginer ofertare solutii Audio video (suport tehnic licitatii si proiecte)

Companie de integrare si distributie audio-video, cu peste 10 ani experienta si mii de proiecte de succes, cu parteneri globali de top ce asigura calitate fara compromis pentru solutii audiovideo, videoconferinta, integrare, automatizare si securitate.


  • Suport tehnic pentru echipa de vanzari, fundamentare propunere tehnica;
  • Executa vizite on site si culege informatii pentru procesul de ofertare;
  • Studiaza documentatia: caiete de sarcini, fise de date, planuri, memoriu tehnic, etc;
  • Identifica produse si intocmeste propunerea tehnica pentru licitatii;
  • Solicita oferte furnizorilor si negociaza conditiile de achizitie;
  • Realizarea analizei comparative a ofertelor primite de la furnizori;
  • Construieste si argumenteaza raspunsurile tehnice la clarificari;
  • Colaboreaza cu inginerii si tehnicienii pentru implementarea corespunzatoare a solutie tehnice propuse;
  • Programeaza si organizeaza echipamentele demo cu producatorii;
  • Pregateste, organizeaza si executa demo “on customer site”;
  • Pregateste, organizeaza si executa demo “in the house”, sesiuni de training si demonstratii practice;
  • Pastreaza si intretine legatura cu suportul tehnic al producatorilor din portofoliu;
  • Se informeaza permanent cu producatorii din portofoliu despre noutati si stiri din industrie.


  • Absolvent de studii superioare, preferabil domeniul tehnic (Politehnica sau similar);
  • Experienta relevanta in industrii similare intr-un post de suport tehnic presales sau proiectare solutii tehnice constituie un avantaj (AV/IT/Telecom/Security & Safety);
  • Experienta relevanta suport tehnic licitatii sau similar pentru domenii conexe constituie un avantaj;
  • Capacitatea de a lucra la mai multe proiecte simultan;
  • Capacitatea de organizare si gestionare a unui flux mare de informatii;
  • Persoana organizata, capabila sa se impuna, cu capacitate de analiza si sinteza, atitudine proactiva, orientare puternica spre rezultat si termene, abilitati de comunicare si decizionale;
  • Cunostiinte Autocad sau Visio prezinta un avantaj;
  • Limba engleza nivel bun, scris/citit/vorbit;
  • Cunostiinte operare PC nivel avansat: outlook, aplicatii office;
  • Analiză şi atenţie la detalii, rigurozitate, folosirea terminologiei de specialitate, imaginatie si creativitate tehnica, putere de concentrare.


  • Pachet salarial motivant (salariu fix +bonusuri in functie de realizari);
  • Contract de munca full time, perioada nedeterminata.

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Titlu recrutare Key Account Manager Audio – Video Integrator (Corporate/Public)
CategoriiIT, Marketing

Key Account Manager Audio – Video Integrator (Corporate/Public)

Our client is a leading Distributor and Integrator on Romanian market for audio-visual, security & safety solutions.
Excellent start if you are familiar with the AV industry and/or some of our brands Sony, Panasonic, Extron, Mitsubishi, Polycom, Cisco, Infocus, etc.


  • Proven work experience as a Key Account Manager / Sales PM in the same or similar sector: IT&C;
  • Experience in signing and performing project based contracts, both corporate and public;
  • Excellent knowledge of MS Office, Microsoft Dynamics or similar ERP systems;
  • Willingness to learn the know-how of the industry specifics;
  • Familiarity with Business Relationships Management and CRM practices along with ability to build productive business professional relationships;
  • Highly motivated and target driven with a proven track record in B2B sales IT&C, AV, project management sales;
  • Excellent selling, communication and negotiation skills;
  • Prioritizing, time management and organizational skills;
  • Ability to create and deliver presentations tailored to the audience needs;
  • Relationship management skills and openness to feedback;
  • BS/BA degree or equivalent.

What You Will Do

  • Present, promote and sell products/services using solid arguments to existing and prospective customers;
  • Perform cost-benefit and needs analysis of existing/potential customers to meet their needs;
  • Establish, develop and maintain positive business and customer relationships;
  • Reach out to customer leads through cold calling;
  • Expedite the resolution of customer problems and complaints to maximize satisfaction;
  • Achieve agreed upon sales targets and outcomes within schedule;
  • Coordinate sales effort with team members and other departments;
  • Analyze the territory/market’s potential, track sales and status reports;
  • Supply management with reports on customer needs, problems, interests, competitive activities, and potential for new products and services.

What you will get?

  • Access to professional inside and abroad training with reputable AV manufacturers;
  • Fixed salary based on your skills and work experience + sales commission based on your results;
  • Logistics: mobile, laptop, auto.

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Titlu recrutare Java Developer – Cluj
CategoriiEconomic, IT, Management, Tehnic


They offer challenging, hard and rewarding work where you can utilize your talent, creativity and learn leading edge technologies used in the world of global finance. This comes with a very competitive compensation package.

Our client will offer a bonus for relocating in Cluj for those who are interested in developing a career in trading software and in consulting services to the financial market. They also offer opportunity for those who have completed studies in this field and are passionate about Java programming.

They provide trading software and consulting services to the financial industry. They have also expertise in software developing in the area of order routing and execution, trade booking and settlement, product master and pricing databases, valuation models, and other proprietary market analysis.


  • At least 3 years of Java programming experience;
  • good OOP understanding;
  • SWING experience is a strong plus;
  • A good communication skill in English is also required.

Titlu recrutare Senior Developer C++ Visual


What you will do:

  • Participate in the analysis and design of Internet Security applications using Visual C++;
  • Contribute to the development effort during the full life cycle of the software product;
  • Handle multiple tasks, meet established deadlines;
  • Assure quality for your deliverables;
  • Fix and maintain proprietary systems or in house developed software;
  • Architect the applications and propose technical solutions;
  • Implement new features as they are requested and specified;
  • Fix bugs identified and reported.

Job requirements:

  • Proven experience in Visual C++;
  • In-depth knowledge of C++ and Win32API;
  • Good Knowledge of OOP;
  • Experience working with sockets, multi–threading, inter process communication;
  • Experience applying development best practices (documentation, code reviews, clean code, coding standards);
  • Experience working with medium and large sized projects is a plus;
  • Experience in development of security applications (ex:antivirus, antispyware) is a plus;
  • At least high school graduate (faculty graduation is a plus);
  • Proficient in spoken and written English.

Personality and basic qualifications:

  • Good interpersonal skills and collaboration with your teammates;
  • Good analytical & conceptual skills. Detail-oriented;
  • You have a passion for efficiency, performance and continuous improvement;
  • Passion and enthusiasm to succeed;
  • Ability to work with international teams.


  • Professional development is not only important to you, but also for our client. They offer the opportunity to:
  • do a motivating job contributing to advance professional and personal;
  • improve the communication methodology;
  • understand product flow;
  • work in a collaborative environment, communicate with the team to solve any problem;
  • work with people from different countries and cultures that equally bring their contribution to solution success.

As benefits we also offer:

  • motivating salary package;
  • a work environment based on respect, trust and most important communication;
  • subscription for medical services at a private clinic;
  • at least 1 team – building a year, together with your family;
  • periodical social events;
  • certifications and professional development support upon request.

Titlu recrutare PHP DEVELOPER – online marketing


  • pachet financiar motivant;
  • mediu de lucru placut si flexibil.


  • dezvolta site-uri noi si aplicatii;
  • imbunatatirea site-urilor din portofoliul companiei;
  • optimizare site-uri pentru dispozitive mobile;
  • SEO.


  • cunostinte avansate de PHP 5 OOP (minim 2 ani experienta demonstrabili prin portofoliu);
  • cunostiinte baze de date relationare: MySQL, PostgreSQL etc.;
  • cunostiinte solide de Javascript si frameworkuri (jQuery, Proptotype etc.);
  • cunostinte solide de HTML, CSS;
  • reprezinta un avantaj cunostintele de HTML 5;
  • cunostiinte de XML, JSON si notiuni legate de servicii web;
  • cunostinte de SEO (canonical, structured data, arhitectura linkurilor, redirectionari);
  • constituie avantaj cunostintele de Design patterns, Framework-uri tip MVC (ZF, Symphony, Codeigniter).

Titlu recrutare Mobile Developer – Windows Phone 8

Mobile Developer – Windows Phone 8

Cautam persoane cu experienta in C# interesate sa faca dezvoltare pentru aplicatii Windows Phone 8. Se accepta si persoane dispuse sa faca trecerea de pe aplicatii desktop pe mobile.

Compania angajatoare activeaza pe piata IT din Romania/Bucuresti, focusata pe dezvoltare solutii software pentru diferite domenii de activitate.

Se ofera pachet salarial motivant, discutabil in functie de nivelul dezvoltarii profesionale. Mediu de lucru placut, profesionist si posibilitate de dezvoltare profesionala pe termen lung.


  • minim 3 ani experienta dezvoltare C#;
  • cunostinte solide de OOP;
  • experienta in metodologii conexe constituie un avantaj (sisteme bugtraking / task management / subversioning);
  • limba engleza la un nivel cel putin mediu (scris, vorbit);

  • cunostinte SQL;
experienta sockets, multithread, networking, user interface;

  • stil programare curat si organizat;
  • fire analitica si organizata.

Detalii produse:

  • Unul din produse se refera in principal la un serviciu de backup, securitate. Produse similare dar mult mai simple sunt: DropBox, Skydrive.
  • Mai exista inca doua produse care trebuie dezvoltate: unul similar cu un wallet/manager de parole; cel de-al doilea este un produs de securitate mobile – internet security.

Detalii proiecte Windows 8 Mobile

  • mediu dezvoltare propus: Visual Studio;
tehnologie: C#
  • complexitatea produsului este destul de mare;

  • produsul contine o serie de module independente, fiecare cu funtii specifice;
  • se poate lucra in echipa independent;
task-urile sunt de dezvoltare a produsului.

Elemente folosite:

  • GUI relativ simplu;
  • multithread – f. folosit pentru mai multe servicii care functioneaza in paralel
 – networking – interfatare cu server API si prin https si prin sockets direct;
  • filesystem – operatii multe de filesystem, arhivare, scanare;
  • criptarea datelor transmise.

Titlu recrutare Java Developer Cloud Backup App

Senior Java Developer – Cloud Based Back-up/Synchronizing Application

Se cauta o persoana cu experienta solida in dezvoltare aplicatii desktop folosind tehnologii Java.

Pachetul financiar este motivant, negociabil in functie de nivelul profesional. Proiectul este un serviciu de back-up complex, contine algoritmi de back-up si scanare complecsi. Produse similar, dar mult mai simple sunt DropBox, Skydrive.


  • minim 5-6 ani experienta in dezvoltare software folosind Java;
  • experienta lucrului intr-un proiect de dimensiuni mari constituie avantaj;
  • cunostinte solide de OOP
  • experienta in metodologii conexe constituie un avantaj (sisteme bugtraking / task management / subversioning)
  • limba engleza la un nivel cel putin mediu (scris, vorbit)
  • fire analitica
  • Java: nivel Senior
  • cunostinte SQL
  • experienta in lucrul cu Netbeans
  • cunostinte OOP: nivel avansat
  • experienta in lucrul cu sockets, multi-threading, networking, user interface in Swing: nivel avansat
  • Motivare, dorinta de a progresa
  • Stil de programare curat, organizat, cu codul comentat
  • Seriozitate
  • Capacitate de lucru in echipa.

Beneficiile se vor negocia ulterior.

Titlu recrutare System Manager SQL Area
LocațiaTimisoara & Sibiu

We are looking for a System Manager for SQL Area.

We accept candidates all over the country, determined to relocate in Timisoara or Sibiu.
The System Manager will be in close cooperation with company teams from Romania and Norway.

Work Tasks:

  • Installation, configuration and upgrading server software, hardware and related products closely connected to them.
  • Evaluate new features and related products in the System Management area
  • Take care of the different designs of the systems and implementation of them.
  • Maintain and enforce digital security within the given area.
  • Tuning together with performance monitoring of systems to fulfill company IT’s goals.
  • Setup and maintain documentation and standards.
  • Plan growth and changes (capacity planning)
  • Recommend hardware and software acquisitions to maintain cost efficiency.
  • Performing routine audits of systems and software.
  • Produce periodic and accurate management reports.
  • Providing general technical trouble shooting and give feedback to developers.
  • Providing users with appropriate support and advice
  • Desired Competence:
  • A master’s degree in computer science
  • Five year or more experience from design and operation of SQL based systems in an international enterprise – preferably with thousands of database instances.
  • ITIL or ISO20000 experience

Expert level knowledge to:

  • Microsoft SQL & Microsoft SQL Express
  • Oracle
  • Postgre
  • Mysql
  • Sybase
  • Firebird

Personal Skills:

  • Candidate must have proven team spirit and well documented communication skills
  • Willingness and ability to do competence sharing with colleagues
  • Prefer to make documentation that other people can read rather than doing things alone.
  • Business understanding
  • Well-structured and quality focused attitude
  • Self-driven, extrovert “yes-person” with curiosity to IT based tools and systems
  • Analytical mindset with attention to details
  • Good English skills in speaking and writing


  • Company offers an exciting position in an international working environment where you will be part of a dynamic and highly skilled international team.
  • You will have good opportunities for career development through internal training and diverse work assignments in a prominent international company.
  • High competitive salary and excellent terms and conditions;
  • Place of work: Romania, Sibiu/Timisoara

Titlu recrutare System Manager Directory Area
LocațiaTimisoara & Sibiu

We are looking for a System Manager for our Directory Area.

We accept candidates all over the country, determined to relocate in Timisoara or Sibiu.

The System Manager will be in close cooperation with company teams from Romania and Norway.

Work Tasks:

  • Installation, configuration and upgrading server software, hardware and related products closely connected to them.
  • Evaluate new features and related products in the System Management area
  • Take care of the different designs of the systems and implementation of them.
  • Maintain and enforce digital security.
  • Tuning together with performance monitoring of systems to fulfill VIT&C’s goals.
  • Setup and maintain documentation and standards.
  • Plan growth and changes (capacity planning)
  • Recommend hardware and software acquisitions to maintain cost efficiency.
  • Performing routine audits of systems and software.
  • Produce periodic and accurate management reports.
  • Providing general technical trouble shooting and give feedback to developers.
  • Providing users with appropriate support and advice

Desired Competence:

  • A master’s degree in computer science
  • Five year or more experience from design and operation of Active Directory in an international enterprise – preferably with thousands of user accounts.
  • ITIL or ISO20000 experience
  • Expert level knowledge to:
  • Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Trusts
  • Group Policy Objects (GPO)
  • Rights Management Services (AD RMS)
  • Federation Services (AD FS)
  • Lightweight Directory Service (AD LDS)
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • Distributed File System (DFS)  

Personal Skills:

  • Candidate must have proven team spirit and well documented communication skills
  • Willingness and ability to do competence sharing with colleagues
  • Prefer to make documentation that other people can read rather than doing things alone.
  • Business understanding
  • Well-structured and quality focused attitude
  • Self-driven, extrovert “yes-person” with curiosity to IT based tools and systems
  • Analytical mindset with attention to details
  • Good English skills in speaking and writing


  • Company offers an exciting position in an international working environment where you will be part of a dynamic and highly skilled international team.
  • You will have good opportunities for career development through internal training and diverse work assignments in a prominent international company.
  • High competitive salary and excellent terms and conditions.
  • Access to company owned apartments in Spain and France
  • Place of work: Romania, Timisoara/Sibiu.

Titlu recrutare System Manager Compute Area
LocațiaTimisoara & Sibiu

We are looking for a System Manager for our Compute area.

We accept candidates all over the country, determined to relocate in Timisoara or Sibiu.

The System Manager will be in close cooperation with company teams from Romania and Norway.

Work Tasks:

  • Installation, configuration and upgrading server software, hardware and related products closely connected to them.
  • Evaluate new features and related products in the System Management area
  • Establish and maintain backup and recovery policies and procedures.
  • Take care of the different designs of the systems and implementation of them.
  • Maintain and enforce digital security.
  • Tuning together with performance monitoring of systems to fulfill VIT&C’s goals.
  • Setup and maintain documentation and standards.
  • Plan growth and changes (capacity planning)
  • Recommend hardware and software acquisitions to maintain cost efficiency.
  • Performing routine audits of systems and software.
  • Produce periodic and accurate management reports.
  • Providing general technical trouble shooting and give feedback to developers.
  • Providing users with appropriate support and advice

Desired Competence:

  • A master’s degree in computer science
  • Five year or more experience from design and operation of datacenters with virtual technologies implemented – preferably with thousands of server instances
  • ITIL or ISO20000 experience
  • Expert level knowledge to:
  • Vmware
  • vcenter
  • ESX hosts
  • vCloud
  • Hyper-V
  • Xen Server

Personal Skills:

  • Candidate must have proven team spirit and well documented communication skills
  • Willingness and ability to do competence sharing with colleagues
  • Prefer to make documentation that other people can read rather than doing things alone.
  • Business understanding
  • Well-structured and quality focused attitude
  • Self-driven, extrovert “yes-person” with curiosity to IT based tools and systems
  • Analytical mindset with attention to details
  • Good English skills in speaking and writing


  • Company offers an exciting position in an international working environment where you will be part of a dynamic and highly skilled international team.
  • You will have good opportunities for career development through internal training and diverse work assignments in a prominent international company.
  • High competitive salary and excellent terms and conditions;
  • Place of work: Romania, Sibiu/Timisoara.

Titlu recrutare System Manager Network Area
LocațiaTimisoara & Sibiu

We are looking for a System Manager for Computer Networks Area.

We accept candidates all over the country, determined to relocate in Timisoara or Sibiu.

The System Manager will be in close cooperation with company teams from Romania and Norway.

Work Tasks:

  • Installation, configuration and upgrading server software, hardware and related products closely connected to them.
  • Evaluate new features and related products in the System Management area
  • Establish and maintain backup and recovery policies and procedures.
  • Take care of the different designs of the systems and implementation of them.
  • Maintain and enforce digital security.
  • Tuning together with performance monitoring of systems to fulfill VIT&C’s goals.
  • Setup and maintain documentation and standards.
  • Plan growth and changes (capacity planning)
  • Recommend hardware and software acquisitions to maintain cost efficiency.
  • Performing routine audits of systems and software.
  • Produce periodic and accurate management reports.
  • Providing general technical trouble shooting and give feedback to developers.
  • Providing users with appropriate support and advice

Desired Competence:

  • A master’s degree in computer science
  • Five year or more experience from design and operation of Computer networks in an international enterprise – preferably with thousands of user accounts.
  • ITIL or ISO20000 experience
  • Expert level knowledge to:
  • Multi-provider VPN networks
  • VPN tunnels
  • Network hardware in datacenters
  • Network hardware at office locations
  • Firewalls
  • Internal and external DNS
  • DHCP
  • Registrars
  • Certificates
  • Personal Skills:
  • Candidate must have proven team spirit and well documented communication skills
  • Willingness and ability to do competence sharing with colleagues
  • Prefer to make documentation that other people can read rather than doing things alone.
  • Business understanding
  • Well-structured and quality focused attitude
  • Self-driven, extrovert “yes-person” with curiosity to IT based tools and systems
  • Analytical mindset with attention to details
  • Good English skills in speaking and writing


  • Company offers an exciting position in an international working environment where you will be part of a dynamic and highly skilled international team.
  • You will have good opportunities for career development through internal training and diverse work assignments in a prominent international company.
  • High competitive salary, excellent terms and conditions.
  • Place of work: Romania, Sibiu /Timisoara

Titlu recrutare Senior Web Developer

Compania ofera un mediu de lucru competitiv. Detine o experienta pe piata IT de mai bine de 10 ani, dezvolta servicii complexe de securitate, backup pentru desktop, mobile si web.

Pachetul financiar este motivant si se va discuta in functie de nivelul profesional.


  • Cautam o persoana cu experienta solida in dezvoltarea web (PHP).
  • Minim 3-4 ani experienta in dezvoltare web, intr-un proiect de dimensiuni medii / mari (portaluri) – constituie un avantaj
  • Experienta MVC.
  • Cunoasterea in profunzime a urmatoarelor tehnologii: PHP, MySQL, HTML / CSS, JavaScript.
  • Cunstinte OOP (experienta care implica folosirea claselor constituie un avantaj).
  • Experienta in metodologii conexe constituie un avantaj (sisteme bugtraking / task management / subversioning).
  • Limba engleza la un nivel cel putin mediu (scris, vorbit).
  • Fire analitica, comunicativa si usor adaptabila.


  • PHP, MySQL: nivel avansat
  • HTML, CSS: nivel avansat
  • Ajax, JavaScript: nivel mediu
  • Cunostinte OOP: nivel mediu
  • Motivare, dorinta de a progresa
  • Stil de programare curat, organizat, cu codul comentat
  • Seriozitate
  • Capacitate de lucru in echipa.
  • Un mediu in care veti putea progresa profesional

Titlu recrutare Pro .NET System Developer
LocațiaSibiu si Timisoara

Our client, an international leading company, provider of business software and services for accounting and administration, has a challenging opportunity for 2-4 ambitious and motivated professionals programmers, which will build up the Design Reporting Team in Sibiu.

The company offers a wide range of specialized and tailor-made business software solutions within Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Human Resource Management (HRM) and payroll. It has more than 1620 developers located in Europe. They develop and implement complex products that addresses to the increasing demands for reliability, ease of use, seamless integration, and security.
The company offers competitive terms and conditions. An excellent and exciting position within an international working environment and a dynamic and highly skilled team. Internal training and possibilities to grow a good basis for your career.

We believe that you have:

  • Completed a bachelor or master’s degree in computer science or similar;
  • Experience with Microsoft .NET technologies (at least 5 years);
  • Experience with web development is required;
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server or other database platforms;
  • Good knowledge about software engineering methods, patterns and modeling experience,
  • Experience and good skills within CSS, JQuery and Photoshop is an advantage;
  • Team focus and genuine interest in software development;
  • Good spoken and written language skills in English as this will be your working language;
  • Be familiar with agile development methodologies (e.g. Lean, Scrum, Kanban).

Personal skills:

  • Well-structured and quality focused attitude;
  • Team spirit and good communication skills;
  • Analytical mindset with attention to details;
  • Self-motivated and self-driven;
  • Customer satisfaction oriented;
  • A good eye for usability and performance.
  • Offer (bonuses, benefits)
  • An attractive working environment with very sociable and highly skilled teams;
  • Competitive salary, considering your work experience and professional training;
  • Work with profiled products using agile methodologies;
  • International travels for training and project meetings;
  • Challenging and motivating work tasks, with a high level of responsibility;
  • Access to company lodges in Spain and France.

Titlu recrutare Java System Developer – eCommerce Sibiu

Java System Developer – eCommerce Sibiu

The company offers a wide range of specialized and tailor-made business software solutions within Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Human Resource Management (HRM) and payroll. It has more than 1620 developers located in Europe. They develop & implement complex products that addresses to the increasing demands for reliability, ease of use, seamless integration, and security.

The company offers competitive terms and conditions. An excellent and exciting position within an international working environment and a dynamic and highly skilled team. Internal training and possibilities to grow a good basis for your career.

You will be part of an experienced Java development team, from a multinational company and you will work with the Nordic market leader in electronic procurement. The product is constructed in Java and is constantly extended and improved upon to meet new market demands. Your responsibilities will include creating new product features and improving on existing features.You will have the opportunity to work on all levels of the software stack, from database calls, integration endpoints, middleware services, all the way to client user interfaces and user experience.

Required skills:

  • University-level programming courses
  • Ability to work independently with Java EE programming
  • Basic understanding of relational databases and SQL
  • An analytical mind and interest in software development
  • Interest in improving your software development skills
  • Proficient in English
  • Ability to work well in a team, and willing to work with teams in other countries
  • Optional/desired skills:
  • Java EE knowledge
  • Spring Framework knowledge
  • Focus on unit testing
  • HTTP and HTML
  • Dynamic programming languages, such as Python, Groovy or Scala

Personal Skills:

  • Ability to structure work day and to work according to hierarchy of objectives
  • Competence about internal network architecture and technical functionality
  • Competencea bout IT-related products used in the departments
  • Experience from centrally operated PC-networks based on Microsoft products
  • Experience and competence about telephones, pads and other equipment that may contain synchronized data from internal systems.


  • An exciting position in an international working environment where you will be part of a dynamic and highly skilled international team.
  • You will have good opportunities for career development through internal training and diverse work assignments in a prominent international company. We offer competitive terms and conditions.
  • Access to company owned apartments in Spain and France.


Titlu recrutare Ruby System Developer – eCommerce Sibiu & Timisoara
LocațiaSibiu & Timisoara

Ruby System Developer – eCommerce Sibiu & Timisoara

The company offers a wide range of specialized and tailor-made business software solutions within Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Human Resource Management (HRM) and payroll. It has more than 1620 developers located in Europe. They develop & implement complex products that addresses to the increasing demands for reliability, ease of use, seamless integration, and security.

The company offers competitive terms and conditions. An excellent and exciting position within an international working environment and a dynamic and highly skilled team. Internal training and possibilities to grow a good basis for your career.

We are looking for skilled Ruby developers to join a multinational team in developing mission-critical Maventa platform. You’ll be contributing to creating one of the fastest growing electronic document exchange networks on the market.

As a developer, you will be working with design, implementation and maintenance of the product and services. You will be part of a skilled and forward-leaning team of creative developers supporting demanding customers in several countries. Through your work, you will have the opportunity to shape the future of a platform that connects, tens of thousands of companies and hundreds of thousands of end-users. Customers’ cash flow relies on this platform to remain operational 24/7 and it is needless to emphasize that such a trust comes with a huge responsibility.

Your Contribution:

  • Design and implementation in Ruby on Rails or Python
  • Participate in architecture, design and code reviews.
  • Implementation of automatic tests and testing of solutions.
  • Keeping up-to-date on new technologies, methods and tools
  • Participate in our Scrum processes and other team activities
  • Getting Maventa to scale to the next order of magnitude

We Expect:

  • That you have a MSc or BSc degree in computer science, electrical engineering or similar
  • Experience with Ruby on Rails or Python can be a plus
  • You to be a passionate, capable developer and fearless to tackle most problems
  • Analytical yet hands-on attitude to comprehend problems and their solutions
  • Quality oriented, with strong testing oriented mindset
  • Genuinely interest in technology, an eye for good software development practice, design patterns and modeling
  • Fluent in English speaking and writing


  • An exciting position in an international working environment where you will be part of a dynamic and highly skilled international team.
  • You will have good opportunities for career development through internal training and diverse work assignments in a prominent international company. We offer competitive terms and conditions.
  • Access to company owned apartments in Spain and France.

Titlu recrutare Check Point Certified Security Administrator / Expert
LocațiaSibiu / Timisoara

We are looking for a System Manager Computer Network with long experience and deep knowledge within the area of Check Point Firewalls. We accept candidates all over the country, determined to relocate in Sibiu or Timisoara. The System Manager will be in close cooperation with company teams from Romania and Oslo, Norway.

Desired Competence:

  • A master’s degree in computer science
  • Five year or more experience from design and operation of Computer networks in an international enterprise – preferably with thousands of user accounts.
  • ITIL or ISO20000 experience

Expert level knowledge to:

  • Firewalls
  • Certificates: Check Point Certified Security Administrator (CCSA) or Check Point Certified Security Expert (CCSE)
  • Multi-provider VPN networks
  • VPN tunnels
  • Network hardware in datacenters
  • Network hardware at office locations
  • Internal and external DNS
  • DHCP
  • Registrars

Work Tasks:

  • Installation, configuration and upgrading server software, hardware and related products closely connected to them.
  • Evaluate new features and related products in the System Management area
  • Establish and maintain backup and recovery policies and procedures.
  • Take care of the different designs of the systems and implementation of them.
  • Maintain and enforce digital security.
  • Tuning together with performance monitoring of systems to fulfill VIT&C’s goals.
  • Setup and maintain documentation and standards.
  • Plan growth and changes (capacity planning)
  • Recommend hardware and software acquisitions to maintain cost efficiency.
  • Performing routine audits of systems and software.
  • Produce periodic and accurate management reports.
  • Providing general technical trouble shooting and give feedback to developers.
  • Providing users with appropriate support and advice

Personal Skills:

  • Candidate must have proven team spirit and well documented communication skills
  • Willingness and ability to do competence sharing with colleagues
  • Prefer to make documentation that other people can read rather than doing things alone.
  • Business understanding
  • Well-structured and quality focused attitude
  • Self-driven, extrovert “yes-person” with curiosity to IT based tools and systems
  • Analytical mindset with attention to details
  • Good English skills in speaking and writing


  • Company offers an exciting position in an international working environment where you will be part of a dynamic and highly skilled international team.
  • You will have good opportunities for career development through internal training and diverse work assignments in a prominent international company.
  • High competitive salary, excellent terms and conditions.

Place of work: Romania, Sibiu /Timisoara

Titlu recrutare SaaS Administrator
LocațiaTimisoara / Sibiu

Professional SaaS Administrator – International Company

Company offers an exciting position in an international working environment where you will be part of a dynamic and highly skilled international team.
We are looking for a SaaS Application administrator with lots of Windows web solution knowledge and experience. We accept candidates all over the country, determined to relocate in Timisoara or Sibiu. The administrator will be in close cooperation with company teams from Romania and Oslo, Norway.

The most essential duties will be:

  • Implementation, testing and quality assuring of new SaaS solutions.
  • DevOps – work close with R&D to ensure high quality software and to streamline the development to operations lifecycle.
  • Documentation.

Required qualifications:

  • Experience in implementing SaaS solutions or large web applications.
  • Experience from larger IT operation environments.
  • Ability to communicate fluently (verbal and written) in English.
  • Self-driven team member, working good under pressure.
  • Creative, positive, cooperative and solution oriented.
  • Systematic, organized and precise.
  • Customer and quality focused.
  • Preferred qualifications
  • Education: min. Bachelor’s degree within IT.
  • Experience with DevOps.
  • Knowledge of, and/or experience with, ITIL-based processes.

Required Technical qualifications within these fields:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2/2012
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2/2012
  • Internet Information Services (IIS)
  • Microsoft Web Farm Framework (WFF)
  • Microsoft Application Request Routing (ARR)
  • Distributed File System (DFS)

Preferred Technical qualifications within these fields:

  • HW Load balancing (Netscaler/BIG IP)
  • Cloud security
  • Storage Area Network (SAN)
  • Hypervisors; Hyper-V and VMWare
  • Scripting (PowerShell, VBS)

We offer:

  • Good academic environment.
  • Exciting challenges in one of Scandinavia’s largest IT environments.
  • Interesting and challenging tasks.
  • Competitive conditions, including good personnel and pension insurances.
  • A great place to develop your skills.
  • International travels for training and project meetings.

Titlu recrutare Backend Web Developer

Backend Web Developer – Timisoara

Our client, an international leading company, provider of business software and services for accounting and administration, has a challenging opportunity for 2-4 ambitious and motivated professionals programmers, which will build up the Team in Sibiu & Timisoara.

The company offers a wide range of specialized and tailor-made business software solutions within Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Human Resource Management (HRM) and payroll. It has more than 1620 developers located in Europe. They develop & implement complex products that addresses to the increasing demands for reliability, ease of use, seamless integration, and security.
The company offers competitive terms and conditions. An excellent and exciting position within an international working environment and a dynamic and highly skilled team. Internal training and possibilities to grow a good basis for your career.

Job description:
The main focus will be programming, but you will also contribute to all parts of the web developing process, from specifications to launch. When the new pages are launched you will continuously design, develop and maintain the pages according to client’s goals and strategies.
The successful candidate will have an excellent practical understanding of the technical aspects of web development, both front and back end as well as knowledge of delivering high profile and innovative websites.


  • Relevant education, and/or at least 3 years experience from professional web development
  • High level of competence on programming for the web, specifically ASP.Net (VB/C#) and relevant development methodologies
  • Strong knowledge of Java scripting, standards-compliant HTML/XHTML and CSS, Ajax, Web services, XML and similar relevant subjects
  • Knowledge of and experience from database modelling and development, specifically towards database-driven web-functionality (SQL and ADO.Net)
  • Experience from back-end integration work, specifically integration between web and other systems or data sources
  • Strong knowledge of tools such as Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Web Developer, Microsoft Expression Web or similar


  • Competitive salary
  • Modern technology and tools
  • Complex problems that need novel solutions
  • An operation that aims to make its mark in history
  • A seasoned team to support you

Titlu recrutare Frontend WEB Developer

Frontend WEB Developer – Timisoara

Our client, an international leading company, provider of business software and services for accounting and administration, has a challenging opportunity for 2-4 ambitious and motivated professionals programmers, which will build up the Team in Sibiu & Timisoara.

The company offers a wide range of specialized and tailor-made business software solutions within Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Human Resource Management (HRM) and payroll. It has more than 1620 developers located in Europe. They develop & implement complex products that addresses to the increasing demands for reliability, ease of use, seamless integration, and security.
The company offers competitive terms and conditions.  An excellent and exciting position within an international working environment and a dynamic and highly skilled team. Internal training and possibilities to grow a good basis for your career.

Job related experience:

  • Minimum 3-5 years
  • Specific experience with Cloud/SaaS solutions that are distributed in volume or one large customer.
  • Preferably experience with ERP systems as a user or a developer.
  • Preferably should the candidate hold a master degree (relevant experience can compensate)
  • Service oriented and self driven
  • Team focus and genuine interest in software development

Candidate profile:

  • System developer with experience from business layer development.
  • Must have passion and experience with front-end web application development.
  • Good understanding of how to scale web applications.
  • Technology experience:
  • C#
  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • jQuery
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Selenium Test Framework
  • Unit Testing


  • Competitive salary
  • Modern technology and tools
  • Complex problems that need novel solutions
  • An operation that aims to make its mark in history
  • A seasoned team to support you


Titlu recrutare Team Leader – Senior PHP Developer

Team Leader – Senior PHP Developer

We are looking for an open minded, enthusiast with solid knowledge of PHP, who would like to further develop his technical skills and professional experience.

Senior Software Developer / Team Leader:

  • Work together with a team of 2-3 experienced developers to create compelling and cutting edge web sites
  • Design and develop software components around PHP and MySQL, by taking care that all code you contribute to the platform is well documented, behaves well under stress conditions and adheres to the overall project architecture
  • Provides support in project planning, requirements, analysis, design, validation and system documentation
  • Apply modern software development practices (such as Agile) and tools (versioning systems, issue tracking)
  • Take part in the lifecycle of a complex product by adding new features and optimizing the existing platforms, at both browser and server side level, empowering high traffic, high availability web platforms
  • Keep up to date with technology trends and showcase them in your work
  • Work closely & support/coordinate your team members in a friendly, collaborative and professional environment

Technical profile:

  • At least 6-7 years’ experience in developing and maintaining web solutions built on PHP and MySql
  • Experience with Object Oriented and MVC programming patterns, as well as expertise in working with an open source framework such as Zend framework
  • Experience in coordinating small teams is a plus
  • Good English skills represent a “must have”


  • Annual performance review rewarding your results;
  • The opportunity to increase your knowledge by working in an experienced and professional team;
  • Supportive working climate and a young dynamic team;
  • Team building activities;
  • Attractive compensation package;
  • Above market compensation & competitive project bonuses;
  • Flex-time arrangements.

Titlu recrutare Mobile Developer – Android Developer

Mobile Developer – Android Developer

As part of our Mobile development team, the Android Developer will be responsible for developing, testing and maintaining Android applications
Your responsibilities may involve development for other platforms as well, such as iOS or Windows Phone, depending on availability and project opportunities. This job will also involve direct contact and communication with remote clients.


  • Good knowledge of Object Oriented Programming;
  • Good knowledge of Java, Android framework and development environment (Eclipse, Android Studio);
  • Good knowledge of design patterns and algorithms;
  • Ability and willingness to learn new programming languages and technologies;
  • Ability to adapt to a dynamic environment;
  • Proactive, results-oriented, creative personality;
  • Good problem solving skills;
  • Good English skills represent a “must have”;
  • Good communication and social skills;
  • Ability to work closely with the team;
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or related technical/science/mathematics degree.

Nice to have:

  • Knowledge of C/C++ is a plus;
  • Knowledge of C# and Objective-C is a plus;
  • Experience with other mobile environments (Apple iOS, Windows Phone) is a plus;
  • Knowledge of HTML5 mobile targeted frameworks/solutions (such as Sencha Touch, Cordova, jQuery Mobile) is a plus.


  • Annual performance review rewarding your results;
  • The opportunity to increase your knowledge by working in an experienced and professional team;
  • Supportive working climate and a young dynamic team;
  • Team building activities;
  • Attractive compensation package;
  • Above market compensation & competitive project bonuses;
  • Flex-time arrangements.

Titlu recrutare PHP Developer – complex projects
LocațiaBucuresti / Brasov

PHP Developer
For those with passion about web development & complex projects.

We are looking for open-source enthusiasts with solid knowledge of PHP, who would like to further develop their technical skills. To that purpose, we will offer you support and we’ll make sure that you reach your full potential.
Our client will love to welcome you into his team and combine our technology and know-how with your knowledge and experience in order to create great projects and grow together as a team.

The Software Developer will:

  • Work together with a team of experienced developers to create compelling and cutting edge web sites
  • Design and develop software components around PHP and MySQL, by taking care that all code you contribute to the platform is well documented, behaves well under stress conditions and adheres to the overall project architecture
  • Provides support in project planning, requirements, analysis, design, validation and system documentation
  • Apply modern software development practices (such as Agile) and tools (versioning systems, issue tracking)
  • Take part in the lifecycle of a complex product by adding new features and optimizing the existing platforms, at both browser and server side level, empowering high traffic, high availability web platforms
  • Keep up to date with technology trends and showcase them in your work
  • Work closely with team members in a friendly, collaborative and supporting professional environment

Technical profile:

  • At least 3 years’ experience in developing and maintaining web solutions built on PHP and MySql
  • Experience with Object Oriented and MVC programming patterns, as well as expertise in working with an open source framework such as Zend framework
  • Good English skills represent a “must have”.


  • Annual performance review rewarding your results;
  • The opportunity to increase your knowledge by working in an experienced and professional team;
  • Supportive working climate and a young dynamic team;
  • Team building activities;
  • Attractive compensation package;
  • Above market compensation & competitive project bonuses;
  • Flex-time arrangements.

Titlu recrutare Mobile Developer – IOS Developer

Mobile Developer – IOS Developer
For those with passion about coding & mobile development.

Eager to contribute to an ambitious software product with a rapid release cycle?
Looking to learn and gain inside information on new development techniques?
Join an innovative software development team, and you’ll have access to cutting-edge technologies while working on our projects.

As part of our Mobile development team, you will be responsible for developing, testing, maintaining, as well as contributing to the development of an iOS product for Phone, iPod and iPad.
Your responsibilities may involve development for other platforms as well, such as Android or Windows Phone, depending on availability and project opportunities.


  • Good knowledge of Object Oriented Programming
  • Good knowledge of Objective-C, iOS frameworks and development environment (XCode)
  • Good knowledge of design patterns and algorithms
  • Ability and willingness to learn new programming languages and technologies
  • Ability to adapt to a dynamic environment
  • Proactive, results-oriented, creative personality
  • Good problem solving skills
  • Good English skills represent a “must have”
  • Good communication and social skills
  • Ability to work closely with the team
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or related technical/science/mathematics degree
  • Nice to have:
  • Knowledge of C/C++ is a plus
  • Knowledge of C# and Java is a plus
  • Experience with other mobile environments (Android, Windows Phone) is a plus
  • Knowledge of HTML5 mobile targeted frameworks/solutions (such as Sencha Touch, Cordova, jQuery Mobile) is a plus

Our offer:

  • Annual performance review rewarding your results;
  • The opportunity to increase your knowledge by working in an experienced and professional team;
  • Supportive working climate and a young dynamic team;
  • Team building activities;
  • Attractive compensation package;
  • Above market compensation & competitive project bonuses;
  • Flex-time arrangements.

Titlu recrutare eCommerce Content Manager
CategoriiIT, Management, Marketing, Vanzari

eCommerce Content Manager

The Company is a leader of Travel Retail Market in Europa. Its aim is to offer a great airport shopping experience at Duty Free prices through their eCommerce platform. This is a new project developed by the company.

Their premium selection products covers different categories: cosmetics, confectionery, spirits, wines, souvenirs, accessories, travel luggage, tobacco etc.


  • Develops, writes and publishes effective and targeted content on eCommerce platform;
  • Maintains information in CMS program in organized file structure method;
  • Works with the PM to record and facilitate corrections to any bug(s) in CMS system;
  • Uploads all graphic files to CMS media library in organized file structures for use in contenting publishing;
  • Prioritizes and completes all web content update requests;
  • Digitally cuts all graphics for website pages using Photoshop or related software and uploads to the media library;
  • Maintains the back-end administration system on any special web project and distributes the registration information to the appropriate parties;
  • Inputs and maintains the appropriate keywords, meta tags, title tags, alt tags and other SEO equivalents on the eCommerce website;
  • Develops, writes and publishes effective and targeted content on the site;
  • May be asked to complete other duties within the Marketing Department as assigned.


  • Education: min. Bachelor’s Degree within: Marketing, Journalism, Communications or Business Administration preferred;
  • Experience in eCommerce, online content management and development, online publishing;
  • Previous experience with CMS systems;
  • Strong writing, grammar, spelling and punctuation skills;
  • Proven ability to coordinate projects, meet tight deadlines and multitask;
  • Understands information architecture and content design requirements;
  • Understands brand revenue management practices and aligns online content to support brand image;
  • Highly proficient in MS Office products.


  • Competitive compensation rates;
  • A pleasant and friendly work environment among a team of dynamic and high performance oriented people.

Titlu recrutare Inginer automatizari industriale
CategoriiIT, Productie, Tehnic

Inginer automatizari industriale (aplicatii PLC si SCADA)
Compania realizeaza proiectare si executie de echipamente si instalatii electrice pentru automatizari industriale.


  • Experienta de 3-4 ani pe un post similar;
  • Absolvent studii superioare, profil tehnic: automatica, electronica, electrotehnica etc;
  • Cunostinte de specialitate in dezvoltare aplicatii pentru automatizari industriale;
  • Cunostinte dezvoltare aplicatii software automate programabile si HMI/SCADA (Schneider-Electric/Pl7 Pro, Unity Pro,Vijeo Citect, Vijeo Designer//Siemens/Simatic Step 7, Win CC, Win CC flexible//Phoenix Contact, altele)’
  • Cunostinte configurare PC, sisteme de operare, retele de comunicatii industriale;
  • Capacitate de lucru in echipa;
  • Permis ctg. B;
  • Disponibilitate la deplasari ocazionale in interes de serviciu;
  • Limba engleza nivel mediu.


  • Dezvolte aplicatiile software pe baza unor teme (tehnologic/electric);
  • Elaboreaza documentatie pentru PLC+SCADA (specificatii, descrieri, scheme, manuale de operare etc);
  • Participa la testare si puneri in functiune la client;
  • Elaboreaza analiza functionala;
  • Intocmirea de liste de intrari/iesiri;
  • Elaborarea de scheme electrice de control etc.


  • Pachet salarial motivant;
  • Asigurare medicala privata;
  • Tichete de masa;
  • Logistica necesara desfasurarii activitatii (telefon, laptop, masina).

Titlu recrutare Rails Developer

Rails Developer

Our Client is looking for candidates that are strong communicators both in-person as well as with online tools. Besides the technical skills, overall we’re looking for someone that are driven to get things done and yet still want to create well-structured code.
The project setup is centered around online services and tools, such as: HipChat, ScreenHero, Skype, Pivotal, Github – a familiarity with such tools is beneficial but not required.

As a senior rails developer you will:
➢    Contribute to building an ambitious product, targeting both mobile and Web audiences, by employing modern technology and open, collaborative methodologies
➢    Keep up to date with technology trends and showcase them in your work
➢    Work closely with team members in a friendly, collaborative and supporting professional environment

➢    Annual performance review rewarding your results;
➢    The opportunity to increase your knowledge by working in an experienced and professional team;
➢    Supportive working climate and a young dynamic team;
➢    Team building activities;
➢    Attractive compensation package;
➢    Above market compensation & competitive project bonuses;
➢    Flex-time arrangements.
➢    Rails (4.0 / 4.1)
➢    Analyze Rails application performance and optimize critical areas of code
➢    Heroku
➢    AWS
➢    REST API’s (both writing and interfacing)
➢    Database / Data Solutions:
    ○     SQL (postgres preferred)
    ○     noSQL solutions – know and have used a few different ones
    ○     memcached / membased
    ○     Experiences with Graph databases a plus
➢    Server side architecture and scalability:
    ○     nginx
    ○     load balancers, various services that AWS offers
    ○     CDN
    ○     Strategies of caching data

Would be a plus:
➢    A solid Unix background
➢    Some other language such as Java, C++/C

Titlu recrutare Senior Web Developer > JavaScript

Senior Web Developer (great user experience & JavaScript knowledge)

If you are a senior self-driven web developer with an emphasis on the front-end development then you can join a great team who loves to create great user experience.

➢    Annual performance review rewarding your results;
➢    The opportunity to increase your knowledge by working in an experienced and professional team;
➢    Supportive working climate and a young dynamic team;
➢    Team building activities;
➢    Attractive compensation package;
➢    Above market compensation & competitive project bonuses;
➢    Flex-time arrangements.

➢    You will join a teambuilding an ambitious product, targeting both mobile and Web audiences.
➢    You will be working closely with the CTO, and will be responsible for setting up a new web application in a well structured and maintainable fashion.
➢    Your responsibilities will range from technology selection (use libraries, frameworks, and tools that are modern and have a reasonable mindshare in the industry) to actual development and documentation, to  setting up a good development environment including continuous integration and automated testing and deployment.
➢    Code you will contribute should be structured so as to facilitate easy creation of mobile optimized versions with minimal rewriting. The user interfaces you create will need to be responsive and adapt well between various devices.

➢     JavaScript framework (Angular, Backbone, Ember, or Knockout.js) and libraries (require.js, underscore.js, handlebars.js)
➢    UI Frameworks (jQuery.js)
➢    UI Libraries (such as React.js)
➢    Documentation Generators (docco, JSDoc etc.)
➢    Code Coverage & Quality (JSLint, JSHint, JSCoverage)
➢    Build & Deployment (grunt.js, bower)
➢    Node.js used for app deployment (and not particularly for server side logic)

Besides the higher level libraries and frameworks, we are looking for someone that has strong fundamental understanding of the underlying technologies, such as  HTML5, CSS3 and DOM as well as  REST services.
Strong software development background (and experience in other languages and technologies such as C++, Java) is appreciated.

Titlu recrutare Mobile Developer > Xamarin

Mobile Developer (Xamarin / iOS / Android)

Developers familiar with a relevant subset of the technologies mentioned below, can be good matches for the team, as long as they have a good background in C# / .Net , are familiar with the MVVM pattern and are exposed and interested in mobile development.
If you are familiar with the .Net technology stack but also interested in going beyond the traditional enterprise software environment the technology has been associated with.

You can:
➢    Contribute to building an ambitious product, targeting both mobile and Web audiences, by employing modern technology and open, collaborative methodologies
➢    Keep up to date with technology trends and showcase them in your work
➢    Work closely with team members in a friendly, collaborative and supporting professional environment

➢    Annual performance review rewarding your results;
➢    The opportunity to increase your knowledge by working in an experienced and professional team;
➢    Supportive working climate and a young dynamic team;
➢    Team building activities;
➢    Attractive compensation package;
➢    Above market compensation & competitive project bonuses;
➢    Flex-time arrangements.

A person with the best fit would have experience with C# as well as Monoand Xamarin, should have worked with mvvmcross, while at the same time having strong experience in mobile development with either iOS or Android SDK’s / platform

Titlu recrutare Backend Web Developer

Backend Web Developer


  • Pachet salarial motivant discutabil in functie de nivelul profesional;
  • Mediu de lucru placut si profesionist, intr-o locatie centrala, program flexibil.

Candidatul ideal:

  • PHP/MySQL: nivel bun;
  • Experienta in unul sau mai multe limbaje de scripting de tipul: Groovy/Python/Ruby;
  • Cunostinte de Java si Grails reprezinta un plus;
  • Experienta in lucrul cu urmatoarele tehnologii: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON/XML;
  • Experienta in lucrul cu web frameworks de tipul Joomla sau CodeIgniter sau Symphony;
  • Cunostinte OOP/MVC: nivel bun;
  • Experienta in metodologii conexe constituie un avantaj (sisteme bugtraking / task management / subversioning);
  • Stil de programare curat, organizat, cu codul comentat;
  • Capacitate de lucru in echipa;
  • Engleza nivel bun-avansat.

Titlu recrutare SAP BI/BW Consultant – Cluj Napoca
CategoriiIT, Servicii Profesionale
LocațiaCluj Napoca

SAP BI/BW Consultant – Cluj Napoca

We accept candidates from all over the country, determined to relocate in Cluj.

Young and innovative team that lets the future happen today. Always on the technical cutting edge – if that is what drives you, you are in the right place.

Our client not only works by high professional standards and a lot of know-how but also works with high commitment and much zeal. Our client is a German-based Software and Consulting company. They are currently looking to expand their team. They know that the employees are the backbone of their success. That is why they focus on a value-based and client-orientated corporate culture which is built on confidence.

Role responsibility:

  • Ensure that the user requirements fits in the design with the overall architecture strategy and framework for SAP BW.
  • Facilitate workshops with the customer to get the specific requirements for different areas like, Finance, Sales, etc.
  • Work with IT and business colleagues to develop solutions to specific problems that at times leverage existing solutions and systems.
  • Actively involvement in the design, analysis and development of SAP BW Dataflows.
  • Conduct feasibility studies as proof of concepts and identifies business benefits.
  • Deliver a high quality and clean implementation aligned with the current implementation standards and best practice in SAP BW.

The ideal candidate:

  • Minimum 2 years experience in application design and development with SAP BW.
  • Solid understanding of SAP BW front-end reporting and back-end.
  • Experience in ABAP or ABAP OO to create and adjust Extractors, Routines, Update Rules, variables user exits, etc.
  • Knowledge in minimum two frontend tools, as Bex, WAD, Portal, Crystal reports, Webi, Dashboard designer.
  • Knowledge in SAP BW planning application is a plus.
  • Command of Web Dynpro user interface is a plus.
  • Strong customer orientation (for both internal and external customers).
  • Fluent in English, both spoken and written.
  • German Language Skills are a huge plus.


  • Company offers an exciting possition in an international working environment.
  • High competitive salary and excellent terms and conditions.

Titlu recrutare Director National de Vanzari
CategoriiIT, Management, Tehnic, Vanzari
LocațiaBucuresti – Ilfov – Ploiesti

Director National de Vanzari (Bucuresti – Ilfov – Ploiesti)

Produsul companiei este unul tehnic (servicii software + hardware) si se adreseaza companiilor cu flote de masini (segment B2B) cu beneficiile principale de reducerea costurilor cu flota si optimizarea folosirii prin localizare in timp real prin GPS. Modelul de vanzare se bazeaza pe hunting – atragerea de clienti noi in portofoliu.

Obiectiv principal al postului:

  • Directorul de vanzari are ca obiectiv atragerea unui numar cat mai mare de clienti noi in portofoliu.


  • Experienta pe o pozitie similara de 2-3 ani preferabil in domeniul IT& C, Telecom, Servicii conexe;
  • Studii superioare de preferat tehnice;
  • Excelente abilitati de negociere, comunicare si flexibilitate;
  • Orientare spre rezultate si spre client;
  • Abilitati de leadership.

Descrierea postului:

  • Leadership colaborativ
  • Motiveaza membrii echipei pentru atingerea obiectivelor partiale;
  • Evalueaza regulat performanta KPI a membrilor si ia masuri pentru corectarea lor;
  • Stabileste impreuna cu echipa „discursul de vanzari” si urmareste folosirea si imbunatatirea permanenta a lui.

Orientarea spre rezultat

  • Cunoaste obiectivele si masoara regulat rezultatele partiale pentru a se asigura ca ajunge la obiectiv;
  • Isi propune sa depaseasca rezultatele in cazul in care este posibil;
  • Planificare si organizare;
  • Stabileste strategia de urmat pentru atingerea obiectivelor;
  • Stabileste KPI pentru echipa;
  • Imparte obiectivele la membrii echipei.

Gandire analitica

  • Analizeaza rezultatele si cauzele lor si gandeste strategii de imbunatatire a lor;
  • Identifica oportunitati noi de vanzare si/sau nise noi pe piata;
  • Evalueaza potentialul pietei pe diverse categorii (zone / domenii de activitate etc.) si stabileste strategii de marirea cotei de piata;
  • Depune eforturi in a intelege produsele companiei si din punct de vedere tehnic pentru a compara cu concurenta si a stabili avantajele.

Intelegere organizationala

  • Intelege ineractiunea inter departamentala in organizatie, pentru a crea proceduri de interactiune eficiente;
  • Intelege organizatiile clientilor pentru a identifica factorii de decizie pentru vanzare;
  • Raporteaza si cere ajutorul managementului in situatii cheie.

Titlu recrutare QA Team Leader- for an important IT company
CategoriiIT, Management

QA Team Leader – for an important IT company

The ideal candidate:

  • develops deep understanding of the currently employed technologies, data models, application functionality and development process
  • assesses and advises with best practices for enhancing application quality in terms of development process, release and support
  • recommends methodologies and software for automated testing and defect tracking
  • participates in full cycle development of the software systems, including initial consultations with the internal or external client, for the purpose of understanding the scope of a project
  • prepares test designs based on documented requirements and meetings with Project Management and Development teams
  • develops regression, quality assurance, and validation scenarios, tests and plans to ensure that the product meets the requirements and performs all required functionality correctly
  • creates and maintains lists of known test defects
  • analyzes results, draws conclusions from test results, and makes recommendations
  • communicates application errors and issues in a clear and concise manner
  • has experience writing comprehensive and easily reproducible bug reports
  • is motivated by making customers happy

Required Skills:

  •   demonstrated ability to write test specifications
  •   ability to write and maintain automated tests
  •   organized, hands-on approach and sense of urgency
  •   ability to communicate clearly in writing, by phone, and in person
  •   ability to work independently or as part of a team to accomplish critical business objectives
  •   familiarity with QA tools and techniques, bug tracking systems, test design and execution

In addition, candidates possessing experience with the following skills will be given priority consideration:

  •   build automation experience
  •   experience working in an Agile development/testing process
  •   experience working with distributed teams (across different geographic locations and time zones).

What we offer:

  • Competitive salary and other motivational programs;
  • Being part of a successful and growing company;
  • Opportunity to build a career in an competitive IT company and to be a part of a professional team.



  • salariu excelent;
  • un mediu in care veti putea progresa profesional
  • conditii de munca extraordinare.


  •  Borland C++: nivel avansat
  • Win32 API: nivel avansat
  • Delphi: constituie un avantaj
  • cunostinte OOP: nivel avansat
  • experienta in lucrul cu sockets, multi-threading, interprocess communication
  • Motivare, dorinta de a progresa
  • Stil de programare curat, organizat, cu codul comentat
  • Seriozitate
  • Capacitate de lucru in echipa.


– minim 3 ani experienta in dezvoltare software folosind C++
– experienta lucrului intr-un proiect de dimensiuni medii / mari constituie un avantaj
– o cunoastere in profunzime a urmatoarelor tehnologii: Borland C++/Delphi, Win32 API
– cunostinte de OOP
– experienta in metodologii conexe constituie un avantaj (sisteme bugtraking / task management / subversioning)
– limba engleza la un nivel cel putin mediu (scris, vorbit)
– fire analitica.

Titlu recrutare Java Developer


  •  minim 3 ani experienta in dezvoltare software folosind Java
  •  experienta lucrului intr-un proiect de dimensiuni medii / mari constituie un avantaj
  •  cunostinte solide de OOP
  •  experienta in metodologii conexe constituie un avantaj (sisteme bugtraking / task management / subversioning)
  •  limba engleza la un nivel cel putin mediu (scris, vorbit)
  •  fire analitica


  • Java: nivel avansat
  • Cunostinte SQL
  • Experienta in lucrul cu Netbeans
  • Cunostinte OOP: nivel avansat
  • Experienta in lucrul cu sockets, multi-threading, networking, user interface in Swing: nivel avansat
  • Motivare, dorinta de a progresa
  • Stil de programare curat, organizat, cu codul comentat
  • Seriozitate
  • Capacitate de lucru in echipa
  • Un mediu in care veti putea progresa profesional.

Titlu recrutare MAC DEVELOPER- pentru un important jucator pe piata IT din Romania


  • pachetul salarial EXCEPTIONAL (se va negocia in functie de experinta)
  • conditii de lucru EXCELENTE.

Cautam o persoana cu experinta de minim 3 ani pe o pozitie de Mac Developer.

Se solicita cunostinte si experienta in:

  • X-Code
  • Objective C
  • C++
  • Cocoa
  • iPhone SDK.

Alte tehnologii web:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Ajax
  • Cunosterea sistemului de operare Mac OSX
  • Cunostinte solide de OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
  • Constituie un avantaj
  • Cunostinte Java
  •  Cxperienta in realizare interfete cu utilizatorul (GUI).

Alte aptitudini:

  • optimizare cod
  • realizarea si propunerea de arhitecturi software pentru Mac/iPhone.

Limbi straine: engleza.

Titlu recrutare Sales Manager- International Company: Arad / Timisoara / Oradea / Cluj / Bucuresti
CategoriiIT, Management, Tehnic, Vanzari

Clientul nostru este o companie multinationala, un important distribuitor de componente electronice. Compania mama exista pe piata din 1991 si in Romania din 2002. Cu un volum de afaceri de 15 mil USD in 2008, firma construieste cel mai mare depozit regional si o echipa capabila sa ofere un puternic suport tehnic pentru proiectele clientilor.

Candidatul ideal:
Persoana activa , cu excelenta calificare pe zona tehnica si in vanzare cu solide cunostinte in afaceri.
Va servi si conduce cu succes activitatile de vanzari si marketing pe zona alocata, in conformitate cu standardele si politica comerciala a firmei. Va asigura buna desfasurare a activitatii administrative in cadrul biroului regional.


  • persoana va fi responsabila pentru implementarea si dezvoltarea planului de vanzari, continua crestere in patrunderea pe piata regionala, monitorizarea pietei. Va avea responsabilitatea pentru propunerea strategiilor, dezvoltarea operatiunilor de vanzare si a planurilor de marketing, in colaborare cu managementul firmei;
  • dezvolta baza de clienti prin identificarea de noi potentiali clienti si prin cresterea pe piata a clientilor deja existenti,
  • creeaza si dezvolta planuri de vanzari, la fel de bine initiaza si implementeaza planurile de vanzari in conformitate cu strategiile si obiectivele firmei;
  • conduce planurile si are in grija activitatile si evenimentele de marketing,
  • monitorizeaza piata de dezvoltare ( aplicatii si solicitari ale clientilor, preturi, concurenta ) si propune planul de actiune pentru a mari afacerea,
  • genereaza rapoartele de activitate pentru vanzari,
  • analizeaza periodic eficienta activitatilor de vanzari si pozitia pe piata a firmei; propune masuri de imbunatatire a pozitiei pe piata,
  • monitorizeaza performanta bugetului asigurandu-se ca nivelul de cost intentionat este mentinut in conformitate cu obiectivele realizate ale firmei si cu satisfacerea clientilor,
  • asigura comunicarea eficienta si mentine relatiile cu Biroul Central de la firma mama si cu celelalte sedii ale firmei;

Cerinte privind profilul postului:

  • studii superioare in domeniul electronicii ( BSEE/MSEE )
  • minimum 5 ani experienta in vanzarea produselor din industria electronica,
  • experienta in a vinde pe piata in sistemul business to business cu clientela profesionala,
  • asigura si demonstreaza o puternica orientare in politica de vanzari cu interes asupra crearii unor relatii de durata cu partenerii,
  • poseda cunostinte analitice in elaborarea rapoartelor, strategii in curs de dezvoltare si politici de implementare;
  • abilitate in identificarea de oportunitati si imbunatatire a procesului de implementare,
  • puternice abilitati de comunicare interumane cu membrii echipei,
  • inclinare spre un program flexibil si activitate de teren,
  • excelente cunostinte de lb. engleza ( scris si vorbit )

Beneficii Oferite:

  • Pachet salarial atractiv, negociabil in functie de experienta in domeniu;
  • Masina de serviciu;
  • Telefon mobil.


Titlu recrutare Inginer aplicatii electronice cu abilitati de vanzare
CategoriiIT, Tehnic, Vanzari

Inginer Specialist Vanzare – Aplicatii Electronice Industriale

Persoana activa cu excelenta calificare pe zona tehnica electronica si cu abilitati excelente pe zona comerciala si solide cunostinte in afaceri.
Va servi si conduce cu succes activitatile tehnice si de vanzare pe zona alocata, in conformitate cu standardele si politica comerciale ale firmei. Va asigura buna desfasurare a activitatii administrative impreuna cu Managerul Regional, in cadrul biroului regional.

Cerinte privind profilul postului:

  • Studii superioare in domeniul electronicii, 
  • Engleza nivel bun scris, vorbit;
  • Minimum 3-4 ani experienta in dezvoltare aplicatii electronice si experienta in vanzare produse electronice catre importanti jucatori din industrie, 
  • Poseda cunostinte analitice in elaborarea rapoartelor, strategii in curs de dezvoltare si politici de implementare, 
  • Abilitate in identificarea de noi oportunitati in piata si imbunatatire a procesului de implementare, 
  • Puternice abilitati de comunicare interumane cu membrii echipei, 
  • Inclinare spre un program flexibil si activitate de teren. 


  • Dezvolta baza de clienti prin identificarea de noi potentiali parteneri si prin cresterea pe piata a clientilor deja existenti, 
  • Genereaza rapoartele de activitate pentru vanzari si rapoarte tehnice; 
  • Analizeaza periodic eficienta activitatilor de vanzari si pozitia pe piata a firmei; propune masuri de imbunatatire a acesteia, 
  • Monitorizeaza performanta bugetului asigurandu-se ca nivelul de cost intentionat este mentinut in conformitate cu obiectivele realizate ale firmei si cu satisfacerea clientilor, 
  • Asigura comunicarea eficienta si mentine relatiile cu Biroul Central de la firma mama si cu celelalte sedii ale firmei. 

Oferta ( bonusuri, beneficii ):

  • Pachet salarial atractiv, negociabil in functie de experienta in domeniu; 
  • Masina de serviciu; 
  • Telefon mobil, laptop.

Titlu recrutare IT PROJECT MANAGER e-commerce
CategoriiIT, Management, Securitate

IT PROJECT MANAGER e-commerce international business:

Our client currently has a vacancy for IT Project Manager, fluent in English, to offer his/her services as an expert who will be based in Bucharest. The work will be carried out either in the company’s premises or on site at the customer premises. In the context of the first assignment, the successful candidate will be integrated in the Development team of the company that will closely cooperate with a major client’s IT team on site.

Tasks description:

  • Manage the development and implementation of the IT systems, identify business needs, propose strategies and planning, and define task deliverables;
  • Knowledge of various methodologies (Agile, Oracle OUM,IBM RUP, etc.);
  • Very good organizational, planning and strong business analytical skills;
  • Guide the team and review its’ deliverables;
  • Estimate timescales and resource requirements;
  • Prepare and maintain project and quality plans.



  • University or higher degree in Computer Science;
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in managing ICT projects and in the use of project management tools;
  • Experience in quality procedures, the development and maintenance of projects as well as technical; knowledge on project aspects;
  • Experience in development methodologies: RUP for example;
  • Experience in UML or case tools;
  • Good reporting methods and ability to give presentations;
  • Fluency in English and ability to participate in multi-lingual meetings.

Our client will offer challenging, hard and rewarding work where you can utilize your talent, creativity, all of this comes with a very competitive compensation package.

Our client will offer a bonus for relocating in Bucharest/Romania, for those who are interested in developing a career in e-commerce international business.


Titlu recrutare Software Architect – global payments solutions
CategoriiIT, Management

Job Summary

  • This position is responsible for leading the creation of our next generation Enterprise Fraud Management system which will provide anti-fraud services for integrated product suite;
  • The system is to be built with leading edge technological and architectural SOA components capable of sustaining the fraud detection and management needs of not just today, but the expected load and capabilities for a generation to come;
  • Excellent opportunity to get in on the ground floor of taking an ultra-high performance enterprise class product from conception to delivery by creating and utilizing the latest software technologies and methodologies;
  • The ideal candidate will have strong object-oriented design skills, knowledge of web technologies, web services and enterprise frameworks. The candidate should also have experience working within large code, making infrastructure decisions/improvements and understanding/handling large integration projects;
  • This position requires a minimum 12 month, preferably 24 month commitment to live/work in our advanced software engineering lab in Romania
  • This is a key role at an energetic company that is growing at a tremendous pace.

Job Responsibilities

  • Designing, implementing and maintaining end-to-end applications on a Java SOA-based architecture;
  • Providing high level design and estimation input on product enhancements and customizations;
  • Translating business requirements into specific software enhancements, systems, and architectural components;
  • Keeping abreast of SOA technologies, and contributing to the direction setting of the unified enterprise architecture as needed;
  • Providing leadership, direction, and mentorship to highly skilled software engineers;
  • Supports development and product teams by providing high-level analysis and design reviews, performance, scalability and benchmark guidance, and subject matter expertise in technology and design;
  • Researches, evaluates, and recommends new technologies and software products.

Minimum Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience;
  • 7 years hands-on development/design experience;
  • Extensive experience designing and building high performance, high availability, and high quality Java SOA applications;
  • Hands-on development skills utilizing Java EE Technologies, Spring, SCA, OSGI, etc;
  • Experience with EDA and ESB, rules engines, and complex event processing including data analytics;
  • Architectural modeling and documentation using UML;
  • Extensive experience with design patterns and understanding their applicability in solving engineering needs/goals.

Highly Desired

  • Master’s degree in Computer Science or related field;
  • Previous experience in a payments or financial services industries highly desired.


  • Excellent compensation and competitive benefits package;
  • Collaborative work environment where our input is needed, valued and appreciated;
  • Ability to work with a global team;
  • Mentorship/leadership role in a cutting-edge software engineering organization.

Titlu recrutare Social Media Professional
CategoriiComunicare, IT, Marketing, Statistica

Social Media Professional / e-commerce multinational business

Descrierea postului:

  • Realizeaza analiza de piata pentru social media la brandurile similare;
  • Utilizeaza platformele sociale: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Bloguri etc.;
  • Realizeaza strategii de promovare a brandului prin intermediul retelelor sociale;
  • Propune idei de campanii si participa la realizarea acestota alaturi de copywriter;
  • Propune in baza unor cercetari aprofundate idei de aplicatii si lucreaza cu departamentul tehnic pentru a fi dezvoltate;
  • Lucreaza la dezvoltare catalogului pentru a promova categoriile tematice;
  • Lucreaza cu aplicatii de monitorizare social media.


  • Studii superioare finalizate;
  • Experinta pe o pozitie similara de minim 3 ani, preferabil intr-o companie multinationala;
  • Experienta in marketing online – minim 3 ani;
  • Cunostinte SEO, SEM reprezinta avantaj;
  • Persoană organizata, atenta la detalii;
  • Persoană orientata spre rezultate masurabile;
  • Foarte buna capacitate de analiza si sinteza;
  • Excelente abilitati de negociere, comunicare si prezentar;
  • Limba engleza – nivel avansat.

Oferta (bonusuri, beneficii)

  • Conditii de lucru excelente, intr-un mediu tanar si dinamic;
  • Pachet salarial motivant.

Titlu recrutare Website Content Professional
CategoriiComunicare, IT, Marketing

Website Content Professional / e-commerce multinational business


  • Experinta in comunicarea scrisa pentru un site de e-commerce;
  • Redactare prezentari pentru diverse produse, servicii prezente pe site, newsletter-e, mesaje promotionale, slogane de marketing, articole pe diverse teme etc.;
  • Excelente cunostinte de limba romana si limba engleza;
  • Familiarizare cu platformele CMS (e-commerce) si editoarele de continut online (ex. WordPress);
  • Cunostinte de baza in editare foto;
  • Cunostinte de baza HTML, MYSQL;
  • Cunostinte de baza SEO, SEM;
  • Buna organizare si capacitate de a prioritiza activitati, de a respecta termenele limita;
  • Atentie sporita la detalii si calitatea activitatii;
  • Studii superioare finalizate.


  • Concepe continut original, optimizat;
  • Publicarea de continut online pe site-urile companiei;
  • Receptionarea contractelor de publicitate online de la departamentele de vanzari si pastrarea legaturii cu respectivii clienti;
  • Concepe newslettere, actiuni social media etc.;
  • Editarea continutului HTML.

Titlu recrutare Senior Web Developer-Architect e-commerce
CategoriiIT, Marketing, Vanzari

Senior Web Developer-Architect, e-commerce international business

We are seeking for a passionate Senior Web Developer & Web Architect that is willing to work within a dynamic international e-commerce business.

The successful candidate will be an ambitious graduate or post graduate in IT with SOLID experience in web development/web architectures ;
willing to work within a dynamic and multinational environment;
will work both with the IT team and the Marketing team of the company, on development and maintenance the e-commerce platform for luxury interior design.

Experience in developing web applications- is a must;
Knowledge of the common Internet technologies (Javascript / AJAX, XML / XSL, XHTML, CSS, web service);
Experience with Microsoft.Net / SQL Server, PHP, MySQL, mainly on web architectures;
It is important that the person already has experience in the following areas: e-commerce; web development & web architectures, business management, web marketing/SEO;

Fluency in English;
Ability to manage people, time and assignments and to ensure reporting on activities.

Competitive compensation rates;
A pleasant and friendly work environment among a team of dynamic and high-performance oriented people;
The opportunity to work and develop knowledge in an international & professional environment.

Titlu recrutare PHP Developer – Cluj

PHP Developer – based in Cluj

Our client will offer a bonus for relocating in Cluj, for those who are interested in developing a career in web development.

Our client currently distributes its products across 45 countries in total. Its mission is to offer increasingly innovative, high-quality products which increase the sensations and pleasure experienced by web surfers.

We want you to:

Develop software modules starting from detailed functional and technical specifications;
Work efficiently without close supervision.
You will be working on all the stages of application development, starting with the design phase, through development, testing and implementation.


Experience in a similar position for at least 1-2 years.
Experince working with deadlins and with complex projects;
Good knowledge of PHP, MySQL,HTML technologies;
Good knowledge of at least one of this framework- CodeIgniter/Zend/Symphony;
Experience in web application security.

Our client will offer challenging, hard and rewarding work where you can utilize your talent, creativity, all of this comes with a very competitive compensation package.

Friendly working environment;
Flexible working program;
Motivating financial package (will be discussed during interview).

Titlu recrutare Business Developer e-commerce
CategoriiComunicare, IT, Management, Marketing

Business Developer e-commerce
Objectives: Project management & business strategy for launching& maintaining of all the operations and strategies of a fully integrated e-commerce platform on the Romanian market (the first and most important business in ecommerce for interior design).
P&L responsibility, development strategies and coordinating of all the functions regarding: operations, product management, marketing and business development.

Previous experience in managing online projects (is a must);
Entrepreneurial, self-driven and good analytical skills;
Demonstrated ability to create clear & effective requirements for the business;
Very good communicator skills & a “can do”, problem solving attitude;
Experience working for e-commerce websites / multilingual websites / high-traffic websites (is a must);
Experience with the online sales of B2C / B2B products (will be a plus);
Experience with the Agile methodology (will be a plus).

You will be responsible for the development of the entire business, dedicated to a specific market segment (B2C / B2B);
Evaluates projects proposals from the business value perspective, develops and maintains relationships with customers;
Create business & functional requirements for new & existing website projects;
Propose website improvements suggestions based on own research & gathered feedback;
Play an active role in the international expansion of the website in order to optimally serve a continuously increasing number of countries, languages & cultures;
Work closely with senior program manager & with the development team;
Liaise with the various stakeholders & beneficiaries of website projects;
Continuous assessment of business using different strategies;
Quantify the results using web analytics & establish further courses of action.

Competitive compensation rates;
A pleasant and friendly work environment among a team of dynamic and high-performance oriented people;
The opportunity to work and develop knowledge in an international & professional environment.

Titlu recrutare IOS Developer

IOS Developer – important jucator pe piata IT din Bucuresti

Cautam o persoana cu experienta de minim 3-4 ani pe o pozitie de Iphone/Ipad Developer, pentru o companie importanta pe piata IT din Romania / Bucuresti, focusata pe dezvoltare solutii software pentru diferite domenii de activitate.

Se Ofera pachet salarial motivant, discutabil in functie de nivelul dezvoltarii profesionale. Mediu de lucru placut, profesionist si posibilitatea de dezvoltare profesionala pe termen lung.

Se solicita cunostinte si experienta in:
X-Code tools, Objective C, C/C++, Cocoa, iPhone/Ipad development.

Alte tehnologii web
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax
Cunosterea sistemului de operare OSX
Cunostinte de OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
Cunostinte Java
Experienta in realizare interfete cu utilizatorul (GUI)

Alte aptitudini:
Optimizare cod
Realizarea si propunerea de arhitecturi software pentru iPhone/Ipad

Limbi straine: engleza.

Titlu recrutare Key Account Professional – IT products
CategoriiIT, Vanzari

Key Account Professional – IT products
Compania activeaza de 9 ani pe piata din Romania si este unul dintre cei mai importanti furnizori de echipamente IT la nivel national (laptopuri, calculatoare, monitoare, servere, accesorii birou etc). Clientii companiei sunt din domenii variate de activitate,  firme locale si internatioale. Compania a fost desemnata nr.1 in Top Afaceri Romania Distributie 2011.


  • Vanzare B2B produse IT catre distribuitori si companii in Bucuresti si zonele limitrofe;
  • Dezvoltarea portofoliului de clienti, new-business;
  • Identifica clientii, realizeaza oferta comerciala,negociaza contractele comerciale;
  • Ofera consultanta cu privire la identificarea celei mai bune solutii tehnice pentru client.


  • Experienta de lucru pe o pozitie similara de minim 3-4 ani: Area Manager, KAE- vanzare produse IT Hardware, solutii IT;
  • Experienta intr-un domeniu similar sau conex de activitate reprezinta un plus;
  • Cunostinte tehnice despre componente hardware si software ( solutii Microsoft );
  • Excelente abilitati de negociere si comunicare,
  • Persoana orientata spre rezultate;
  • Rezultate excelente in vanzari B2B produse IT Hardware;
  • Portofoliu de clienti in domeniul distribuitorilor de produse IT si companiilor.


  • Pachet salarial motivant
  • Logistica asigurata: masina, telefon, laptop.


Titlu recrutare PHP Developer e-commerce

PHP Developer | e-commerce business

Proiectul are la baza un concept nou de cumparaturi online ce utilizeaza sistemul cashback. Clientul este dispus sa negocieze un pachet salarial motivant pentru o persoana cu experienta relevanta in programare PHP.

  • minim 3-4 ani experientă în programare;
  • facultate de profil finalizată;
  • cunostinie bune: PHP si HTML
  • limbaje de programare utilizate: PHP
  • cunostinie SEO.

Reprezintă avantaj:

  • programnare pentru proiecte e-commerce;
  • baze de date SQL (MYSQL)
  • cunostinte CSS, JavaScrispt.

– persoana flexibila, usor adaptabila,capabila sa raspunda cu promptitudine necesitatilor proiectului.


  • Pachet salarial motivant;
  • Mediu de lucru placut,dinamic si profesionist;
  • Implicare in dezvoltarea unui proiect nou pe piata cumparaturilor online.

Titlu recrutare Android Developer / Java Developer

Android Developer/Java Developer

Descrierea postului:
You will develop Android applications, available on a wide range of Android devices (Phones and Tablets). Training to transition to Android will be provided.


  • Participate in all phases of development;
  • Develop the design and architecture of the app;
  • Integrate software modules into products;
  • Manage availability, latency, scalability and efficiency of skobbler apps;
  • Participate in meetings.


  • Extensive experience in Java development (2 years +);
  • Work experience in the field of Object-Oriented Software Development especially with Java core;
  • Technical or computer science degree or a similar qualification;
  • Strong skills in deadline management and ability to work in a team environment;
  • Good communication skills (English) are required (both verbal and written);
  • J2ME or Android development is a plus (Training to transition to Android will be provided).

What we offer

  • Competitive salary and other motivational programs;
  • Training to transition to Android will be provided for java developers;
  • Being part of a successful and growing company;
  • Opportunity to build a career in an competitive it company and to be a part of a professional team;
  • Opportunity to work with latest technologies on mobile


Titlu recrutare IOS Developer Monotouch/C# Developer

IOS Developer Monotouch/C# Developer
Cautam persoane cu experienta in C# interesati sa faca dezvoltare pentru IOS, pe o platforma Monotouch. Compania activeaza pe piata IT din Romania/Bucuresti, focusata pe dezvoltare solutii software pentru diferite domenii de activitate.

  • Se ofera pachet salarial motivant, discutabil in functie de nivelul dezvoltarii profesionale. 
  • Mediu de lucru placut, profesionist si posibilitatea de dezvoltare profesionala pe termen lung.

Se solicita cunostinte si experienta in dezvoltare C#, Monotouch pentru iOS development- reprezinta avantaj

Alte tehnologii web:

  • Cunosterea sistemului de operare OSX (optional)
  • Cunostinte de OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
  • Experienta in realizare interfete cu utilizatorul (GUI)

Alte aptitudini:

  • Optimizare cod
  • Optional: Realizarea si propunerea de arhitecturi software pentru iPhone/Ipad
  • Limbi straine: engleza.

Titlu recrutare WEB DESIGNER – online marketing
CategoriiIT, Marketing


  • pachet financiar motivant;
  • mediu de lucru placut si flexibil.


  • prelucrare imagini;
  • creare KIT-uri de identitate (logo, carti de vizita, foi cu antet, plicuri etc.);
  • intocmire design pagini web;
  • realizare design bannere, newslettere, sectiuni noi ale site-urilor, diverse felicitari, ghiduri;
  • design afise, pliante, carti de vizita, brosuri, roll-up-uri;
  • HTML & CSS pentru newslettere sau site-uri;
  • branding, rebranding, logo-uri;
  • propune si implementeaza concepte de design;
  • va dezvolta noile website-uri si mentine/imbunatati designul celor existente.


  • portofoliu complex in domeniu – reprezinta avantaj;
  • cunostinte avansate de Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator/Corel Draw Adobe, InDesign, grafica vectoriala;
  • cunostinte medii de Adobe Dreamweaver, HTML/CSS;
  • notiuni de compozitie, cromatica, desen;
  • cunostinte sisteme de publicitate indoor si outdoor;
  • capacitatea de a lucra conform specificatiilor unui manual de identitate vizuala – reprezinta un avantaj;
  • cunostinte de  transformare a imaginilor din Photoshop in XHTML si CSS;
  • persoana creativa si cu idei inovatoare;
  • sensibilitate la detalii, atentie selectiva si abilitati de time-management.

Titlu recrutare Junior NOC Engineer
CategoriiComunicare, Entry Level, IT, Relatii publice, Tehnic

Junior NOC Engineer (fresh university graduate)


  • We are looking for a young, energetic, professional, preferably a fresh university graduate or a master’s degree student (university degree is a required, or in the progress of getting one), but we also accept candidates who graduated university recently and has limited experience;
  • Likes interacting with people, working in a team;
  • Wants to start a career in an American company;
  • Must have knowledge of written English;
  • Must have very good knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite (outlook, excel);
  • The candidate has strong analytical skills and enjoys working with numbers, is very focused on details, has excellent problem solving abilities;
  • Analytical, conceptual, strategic and planning abilities, self-organized.


  • The candidate will work with our trouble ticketing platform and answer tickets from our customers based on an internal procedure;
  • The NOC engineer will directly resolve or escalate reported issues;
  • The NOC engineer will make sure the desired SLAs for tickets responses / resolution is met;
  • The candidate will work closely with other members from the technical team. She/He will work with a young team of telecom professionals, reporting to the Technical manager, based in Romania;
  • The candidate will be using web based systems, for his work. For example, one of the main tools needed are the Company billing system, which is a website who is running on top of a database;
  • The day to day activities and responsibilities include:
     –  Monitor Company’s network;
     –  Respond and resolve customer trouble tickets;
     –  Troubleshooting of customer issues or escalate them if needed;
     –  Update our trouble ticketing system with all necessary information;
     –  Making test calls through our voice network making sure we offer the highest call quality possible to our customers;
     –  Monitoring quality of service offered to our clients for certain services (especially for our core services) and make sure certain quality criteria are met.


  • Working in an American company with more open and entrepreneurial values which is looking for a long term win-win relationship between the employer and the employee;
  • A perfect start for a career in Telecom;
  • Internal company training in telecommunications and Voice over IP, the future of voice communication;
  • Fixed salary;
  • Working hours (7-15 pm; 15-23 pm);
  • Salary begining from 1400-1500 lei net;
  • Performance based bonus;
  • The possibility to advance on other position inside the company in the future, based on skills;
  • Working in a very young team, that loves working hard but having fun also;
  • We encourage our team members to be creative, and we try to be as flexible as possible in everything we do, especially when it comes to new ideas improving how we work;
  • Work laptop.

Titlu recrutare NOC Manager
CategoriiIT, Management, Tehnic

NOC Manager


  • We are looking for a young, energetic, professional, with experience leading small teams (university degree is a required)
  • Likes interacting with people, working in a team
  • Wants to focus on a management career
  • Must have very good knowledge of written and spoken English
  • Must have very good knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite (outlook, excel)
  • The candidate has strong analytical skills and enjoys working with numbers, is very focused on details, has excellent problem solving abilities
  • Analytical, conceptual, strategic and planning abilities, self-organized
  • Must have worked on shifts and understanding the challenges that arise in these situations
  • Must have managed directly at least 4-5 people for a minimum of 1 year as a manager or a team supervisor / leader, ideally in a technology company (not mandatory)
  • Must have at least 3 years of working experience


  • The candidate will coordinate our soon to be 24/7 NOC team in order to make sure they perform their tasks according to our internal procedures
  • The NOC Manager will act as an escalation point for every trouble ticket that isn’t resolved on time or is not resolved as asked by the customer or the internal team
  • The NOC Manager will make sure the desired SLAs for tickets responses / resolution are met by the NOC team
  • The NOC Manager will work closely with other departments in the company: sales, financial, etc. and will provide support to these departments
  • The NOC Manager will analyze the performance of all the NOC Engineers and will evaluate their work monthly
  • The NOC Manager will be responsible for developing and implementing working procedures within the team and will follow up to improve them (the procedures will be developed together with the CTO and the other team leaders in the company)
  • The NOC Manager will be responsible for new technical interconnections with new customers or vendors or act as an escalation point for these tasks
  • Managing the projects in the technical team with each team member (assigning, managing and follow-up)
    The NOC Manager will be managed directly by the CTO

The NOC Manager will manage a team of NOC engineers which perform the following daily activities:

  • Monitor Company’s network
  • Respond and resolve customer trouble tickets
  • Troubleshooting of customer issues or escalate them if needed
  • Update our trouble ticketing system with all necessary information
  • Making test calls through our voice network making sure we offer the highest call quality possible to our customers
  • Monitoring quality of service offered to our clients for certain services (especially for our core services) and make sure certain quality criteria are met


  • Working in an American company with more open and entrepreneurial values which is looking for a long term win-win relationship between the employer and the employee
  • A perfect start for a career in management
  • Internal company training in telecommunications and Voice over IP, the future of voice communication
  • Fixed salary
  • Performance based bonus (monthly and bi-annually based on company profits)
  • The possibility to advance on other position inside the company in the future, based on skills
  • Working in a very young team, that loves working hard but having fun also
  • Coordinating a team of 5 to 10 engineers daily
  • We encourage our team members to be creative, and we try to be as flexible as possible in everything we do, especially when it comes to new ideas improving how we work.
  • Work laptop
  • Management training outside the company
  • Flexible working location (it is possible to work remotely when needed)

Titlu recrutare Junior Account Manager – Telecom
CategoriiIT, Tehnic, Vanzari

Junior Account Manager

Our Client offers VoIP services to companies worldwide (B2B) and most of the clients are business clients based in the US but also they have customers in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Asia. They act as a small telecom operator and they offer the client the possibility to make international calls via Internet (VoIP) all over the world. They operate in a niche market of the telecom area which developed around 10 years ago and has been growing exponentially ever since.

What do we need?

They expand the team in Bucharest in order to be able to manage more clients and increase the revenues.

If you fit the description below and you are looking for a fun and stable place to work please apply.

Who are we looking for?

  • Young, energetic, professional looking for a career in sales or telecommunications who likes and wants to interact with people from all over the world, with different background and cultures.
  • Is a team worker but can work individually as well and can work with minimum supervision, self-motivated.
  • Likes working in sales, performs well under deadlines and sales targets.
  • Shows high levels of determination / perseverance and will always try until she/he achieves her/his goal.
  • The candidate must have good knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite (outlook, excel).
  • The candidate must be fluent when speaking English.
  • University degree is a required (or in the progress of getting one – final year of study).
  • Sales experience or customer service / customer interaction experience is mandatory (at least 1 year of sales/customer service experience).

What are the responsibilities of the job?

The Account Manager will work directly with existing business clients based all over the world starting from USA to China, so English is a must. The clients are already in the company’s portfolio, they have ongoing relationships with them.

The job will not require finding or bringing in new clients.

The Sales Director is assigning clients (accounts) from the company’s portfolio to the Account Manager based on performances and potential business with that client.

The Account Manager is in charge of overall revenue / profitability of the clients that she/he is managing.

Overall responsibilities will include the following:

  • Selling VoIP (international calling) services to existing business clients directly
  • Building / maintaining or improving the relationship with the managed clients mainly over the phone and online, since our clients are located in various countries across the globe
  • Responsible for revenue and profitability with existing clients (increasing or maintaining based on sales targets)
  • Monitoring each client daily
  • Communicating with the other members in the sales team in order to identify revenue growth opportunities
  • Overall responsibility of all communication with the client (the account manager will be an interface for the company towards the clients)
  • Escalates important issues of any nature (sales, technical, financial, etc) to the Sales Director and is responsible for applying the solutions
  • Reports to the Sales Director by providing regular input on all account activity, when asked


  • Interacting with people all over the world, coming from different cultures and countries
  • Working in an American company with more open and entrepreneurial values
  • Company trainings in telecommunications and Voice over IP, a relatively new type of business in Romania
  • Working in a very young team, that loves working hard but also having fun
  • The working schedule is flexible, including working from home
  • Potential trips to telecommunication conferences in Europe and United States of America
  • Work laptop
  • Fixed Salary 2000-2500 lei net + Monthly Bonus + Quarterly Bonus (Direct percentage of profit generated by the managed clients)
  • Exceptional results are always rewarded separately from the salary
  • Extra-work activities including team-building events (in Bucharest and outside the city as well), sports, etc

Titlu recrutare Senior Analyst – Modeling & Simulation for Financial Market
CategoriiEconomic, IT, Management, Statistica

A proprietary trading firm is looking for a Senior Analyst Modeling & Simulation to help expanding its algorithmic trading strategies. The candidate should have a strong research background, a track record of creative accomplishments and is expected to have successfully published in their field. The candidate must have a solid grip of statistics and probabilities combined with a strong interest in quantitative trading (although financial experience is not required). The candidate will be part of a rigorous research and development team process but is expected to be self-motivated, self-driven and generate original ideas. The main responsibility in the first stage of employment will be the development of research prototypes and data analysis.


  • An advanced degree in mathematics, physics or computer science from a top school;
  • Extremely proficient in R, Matlab or similar, with at least 2 years of experience and a first-hand understanding of Statistics and Probability Theory;
  • Strong work ethic;
  • Rigorous research habits and data analysis skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure and thrive in fast paced environment;


  • .Net/C#, Python
  • Stochastic Analysis
  • Familiarity working with large datasets and databases, SQL

Titlu recrutare „A beautiful mind”
CategoriiEconomic, IT, Management, Statistica

A proprietary trading firm is looking for a Senior Analyst Modeling & Simulation to help expanding its algorithmic trading strategies. The candidate should have a strong research background, a track record of creative accomplishments and is expected to have successfully published in their field. The candidate must have a solid grip of statistics and probabilities combined with a strong interest in quantitative trading (although financial experience is not required). The candidate will be part of a rigorous research and development team process but is expected to be self-motivated, self-driven and generate original ideas. The main responsibility in the first stage of employment will be the development of research prototypes and data analysis.


  • An advanced degree in mathematics, physics or computer science from a top school;
  • Extremely proficient in R, Matlab or similar, with at least 2 years of experience and a first-hand understanding of Statistics and Probability Theory;
  • Strong work ethic;
  • Rigorous research habits and data analysis skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure and thrive in fast paced environment;


  • .Net/C#, Python
  • Stochastic Analysis
  • Familiarity working with large datasets and databases, SQL

Titlu recrutare HelpDesk IT / Tehnician IT
CategoriiIT, Tehnic

HelpDesk IT / Tehnician IT

Compania deruleaza activitati de vanzare a masinilor unelte cu comanda numerica, asigura toate  operatiunile necesare, de la momentul incheierii contractului de vanzare-cumparare, pana la  momentul intrarii in productie a unei masini unelte, incluzand instalarea si instruirea personalului  utilizatorului.


Tehnician echipament calculatoare si retele.


Pregatire/cerinte profesionale:

  • Monitorizare si intretinerea websiteu-lui cat si a canalelor de social media; (WordPress, MySQL, ADwords etc.)
  • Oferirea suportului si mentenanta pentru PC-uri, periferice si aplicatiile care ruleaza pe acestea;
  • Asigurarea suportului tehnic pentru utilizatorii de echipamente IT;
  • Instalarea, configurarea si depanarea PC-urilor si perifericelor aferente;
  • Dezvoltarea, monitorizarea si intretinerea retelei si echipamentelor de date si voce;
  • Cunostinte de baza – mediu Windows Server(AD, Exchange, DB MS-SQL, File Server, Networking etc)
  • Cunostinte de baza Vmware Esxi si Vsphere client
  • Limba engleza – scris, vorbit (nivel mediu)

Alte cerinte/abilitati:

  • seriozitate
  • spirit analitic, metodic, organizat
  • comunicativitate
  • carnet auto categoria B

Oferta (bonusuri, beneficii):

  • Pachet salarial corelat cu performantele
  • Dezvoltare profesionala continua
  • Mediu de lucru competitiv

Titlu recrutare PHP Developer – agentie digital marketing

PHP Developer

Agentie de digital marketing cu peste 10 ani experienta in proiecte complexe: portaluri foarte complexe de publishing, site-uri de ecommerce, aplicatii & website-uri flash, proiecte de brand etc.


  • Cunoștințe de PHP și MySQL;
  • Cunoștințe JavaScript, HTML, XML şi CSS;
  • Cunoștinte Flash (reprezintă un avantaj);
  • Cunoșterea unui framework Cake, Joomla, Typo3, WordPress (reprezintă un avantaj);
  • Cunoștințe Photoshop sau similar (reprezintă un avantaj);
  • Abilitatea de a lucra la un proiect din faza de proiectare până la go live;
  • Gândire analitică, orientare spre rezultate și atenție la detalii;
  • Abilități de organizare și comunicare interpersonală.


  • Dezvoltarea de aplicații web dinamice folosind în principal: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS;
  • Mentenanță și dezvoltare post-implementare pentru soluțiile dezvoltate de companie (proiecte complexe – portaluri foarte complexe, site-uri de ecommerce, aplicatii & website-uri flash, etc.);
  • 75% dezvoltare back-end, 25% dezvoltare front-end.


  • Pachet salarial negociabil in functie de experienta profesionala;
  • Bonusuri & Prime. 

Titlu recrutare Analist preturi / online specialist
CategoriiIT, Statistica, Vanzari

Pricing Analyst (in a competitive market environment)                

Descriere post

Implementeaza strategia companiei privind politica de preturi, din punct de vedere financiar si marketing, in concordanta cu viziunea companiei.


  • Analiza, interpretare, definire si monitorizare preturi pentru lista generala de preturi, integrare cu aplicatia b2b si ERP a companiei
  • Monitorizeaza piata si concurenta si colecteaza datele relevante
  • Analizeaza si actualizeaza in mod constant lista de preturi a companiei plecand de la listele vendorilor/monitorizarea pietei si strategia financiara a companiei
  • Actualizeaza preturile in aplicatia webcommerce,  b2b, ERP si aplicatiile market share ale companiei
  • Dezvolta lista de preturi prin mentenanta activa si actualizarea permanenta cu produse noi/preturi noi conform strategiei comune cu furnizori companiei
  • Colaboreaza strans cu colegii din departamentul marketing pentru pentru a asigura eficienta prezentei online a companiei si implementarea unei strategii unitare de pret
  • Colaboreaza strans cu echipa de sales primind si oferind feedback relevant clientilor companiei
  • Participa in mod activ la activitatea de newsletter intern si extern, in stransa colaborare cu content writer
  • Sustine marketing-ul intern prin comunicare interdepartamentala: produse noi in lista, promo noi etc.
  • Notiuni de baza de SEO, Adwords, online marketing si analytics sunt binevenite


  • Cunostiinte solide aplicatii office (Microsoft Excel in particular, Outlook etc.)
  • Exprimare fluenta, creativa, succinta si eficienta. 
  • Abilitatea de a lucra in echipa
  • Inclinatie catre colaborare, comunicare
  • Proactiv, preia initiative
  • Creative thinking & new ideas
  • Studii economice de preferat
  • Cunostiinte nivel mediu despre statistica economica
  • Familiaritate cu sistem ERP integrate, aplicatii si concepte b2b
  • Experienta similara relevanta constituie un avantaj
  • Content management software & distribution (joomla, magento) constituie un avantaj
  • Abilitati online marketing: SEO, Adwords, Analytics etc.
  • Limba engleza nivel mediu

Se ofera               

  • mediu atractiv de lucru, acces la ultimele tehnologii din industrie
  • acces la un mediu de lucru prietenos si profesionist unde vei invata in fiecare zi si iti vei dezvolta cariera
  • pachet salarial cu posibilitate de negociere functie de rezultatele obtinute
  • bonusuri periodice functie de indeplinirea anumitor planuri sau obiective specifice

Titlu recrutare Specialist Vanzare Online – solutii AV/IT/Telecom
CategoriiIT, Tehnic, Vanzari

Specialist Vanzare Online – solutii AV/IT/Telecom

Companie de integrare si distributie audio-video, cu peste 10 ani experienta si mii de proiecte de succes, cu parteneri globali de top ce asigura calitate fara compromis pentru solutii audio-video, videoconferinta, integrare, automatizare si securitate.


  • Vanzarea produselor din portofoliul companiei prin parteneri cu prezenta online.
  • Administreaza si dezvolta in mod activ portofoliului de parteneri primit;
  • Prospectarea pietei, identificarea potentialilor parteneri si marirea portofoliului de parteneri;
  • Negocierea, incheierea, si asigurarea executiei contractelor si acordurilor comerciale conform regulilor interne si strategia companiei;
  • Mentinerea relatiilor cu clientii: executa vizite parteneri, gestioneaza feedback partneri, reinnoiri contracte, organizarea de evenimente cu partenerii, organizarea campaniilor de incentives, initierea si gestionarea promotilor si alte unelte de marketing etc
  • Preluarea si urmarirea comenzilor, operarea si procesarea acestora in vederea finalizarii corespunzatoare;
  • Gestionarea portofoliului de produse destinate mediului online prin analiza continua a pietei de profil, a tendintelor acesteia, analiza si actualizarea preturilor;
  • Intocmirea de rapoarte şi analize periodice referitoare la cererea, oferta si vanzarile produselor din portofoliul online;
  • Raspunde de actualizarea produselor pe site-urile partenere, verificarea si actualizarea stocurilor;
  • Colaborarea cu departamentul de Marketing pentru definirea metodelor de promovare a portofoliului de produse destinate mediului online, documentarea corecta a produselor, strategii de pricing;
  • Colaborarea cu departamentul de Logistica pentru a asigura corectitudinea si respectarea termenelor de livrare;
  • Colaborarea cu  departamentul Presales  in vederea documentarii corecte a produselor si/sau solutiilor;
  • Furnizarea informatiilor despre produsele disponibile, stocuri, termene de livrare, etc;
  • Urmarirea incasarilor pentru fiecare client in parte si luarea masurilor necesare incasarii la timp.

Cerinte :

  • Experienta profesionala anterioara intr-un job similar de minim 3 ani;
  • Absolvent de studii superioare;
  • Experienta relevanta in industrii similare constituie un avantaj (AV/IT/Telecom/Security & Safety);
  • Foarte bune abilitati de negociere si comunicare
  • Capacitatea de organizare si gestionare a unui flux mare de informatii, cu capacitate de analiza si sinteza, atitudine proactiva, orientare puternica spre rezultat si termene;
  • Limba engleza nivel bun, scris/citit/vorbit (relatia cu producatorii externi);
  • Cunostiinte operare PC nivel avansat: aplicatii MS office, aplicatii ERP (Charisma);
  • Disponibilitate la deplasari.


  • Pachet salarial motivant (salariu fix +bonusuri in functie de realizari);
  • Contract de munca full time, perioada nedeterminata.

Titlu recrutare Content Management Specialist – MarketPlace
CategoriiIT, Relatii publice, Vanzari

Content Management Specialist – MarketPlace


  • Cunosterea modelului de business al magazinelor online si avantajele care trebuie sustinute in relatia cu acestia;
  • Vanzarea produselor din portofoliul companiei prin parteneri cu prezenta online (,, etc);
  • Gestionarea portofoliului de produse destinate mediului online prin analiza continua a pietei de profil, a tendintelor acesteia, analiza si actualizarea preturilor;
  • Intocmirea de rapoarte şi analize periodice referitoare la cererea, oferta si vanzarile produselor din portofoliul online;
  • Raspunde de actualizarea produselor pe site-urile partenere, verificarea si actualizarea stocurilor;
  • Colaborarea cu departamentul de Marketing pentru definirea metodelor de promovare a portofoliului de produse destinate mediului online, documentarea corecta a produselor, strategii de pricing;
  • Colaborarea cu departamentul de Logistica pentru a asigura corectitudinea si respectarea termenelor de livrare;
  • Colaborarea cu departamentul Presales in vederea documentarii corecte a produselor si/sau solutiilor;
  • Furnizarea informatiilor despre produsele disponibile, stocuri, termene de livrare, etc;
  • Urmarirea incasarilor pentru fiecare client in parte si luarea masurilor necesare incasarii la timp;
  • Administreaza si dezvolta in mod activ portofoliului de parteneri primit;
  • Prospectarea pietei, identificarea potentialilor parteneri si marirea portofoliului de parteneri;
  • Negocierea, incheierea, si asigurarea executiei contractelor si acordurilor comerciale conform regulilor interne si strategia companiei;
  • Mentinerea relatiilor cu clientii: executa vizite parteneri, gestioneaza feedback partneri, reinnoiri contracte, organizarea de evenimente cu partenerii, organizarea campaniilor de incentives, initierea si gestionarea promotilor si alte unelte de marketing etc.;
  • Preluarea si urmarirea comenzilor, operarea si procesarea acestora in vederea finalizarii corespunzatoare.


Cerinte generale:

  • Experienta profesionala anterioara in eCommerce;
  • Absolvent de studii superioare;
  • Foarte bune abilitati de negociere si comunicare
  • Capacitatea de organizare si gestionare a unui flux mare de informatii, cu capacitate de analiza si sinteza, atitudine proactiva, orientare puternica spre rezultat si termene;
  • Limba engleza nivel bun, scris/citit/vorbit (relatia cu producatorii externi);
  • Cunostiinte operare PC nivel avansat: aplicatii MS office, aplicatii ERP (Charisma);
  • Disponibilitate la deplasari.


  • Pachet salarial motivant (salariu fix +bonusuri in functie de realizari);
  • Contract de munca full time, perioada nedeterminata.

Titlu recrutare Web Developer
CategoriiIT, Marketing

Web Developer

Clientul este leader in industria de distributie si integrare Audio-Video din Romania, cu peste 15 ani experienta si o multitudine de referinte de succes, cu un portofoliude solutii in continua expansiune, reprezentand in Romania cei mai mari producatori de profil precum Sony, Panasonic, InFocus, Chief, Projecta, Ctouch, Extron, Kramer, Vaddio, Polycom, Lifesize, Cisco, JVC, etc.

Descriere post:
Dezvolta si intretine prezenta online a companiei, prin siteuri si aplicatii.


  • Administrare, dezvoltare, optimizare si mentenanta siteuri.
  • Ajuta la dezvoltarea si integrarea aplicatiilor interne specifice .
  • Creare elemente dinamice şi statice de User Interface.
  • Feeduri, importuri produse si alte activitati de management relatii B2B.
  • Tips & Tricks HTML – suport pentru colegii din departament.
  • SEO si Marketing online impreuna cu colegii din department.
  • Social media: page engagement impreuna cu colegii din department.
  • Planning and implementation of PR and social media activities impreuna cu colegii din department
  • Cunostinte de baza adsense, analytics, adwords, etc.
  • Dezvolta abordari integrate ale perspective de prezenta online a companiei.
  • Relatia cu IPS si furnizorii de servicii specific pentru administrarea prezentei online.
  • Relatia cu ROTLD si activitati conexe.
  • Administrare Cpanel.


  • Cunoştinţe solide de HTML şi CSS.
  • Cunoştinţe de Java Script şi jQuery.
  • Cunoştinţe de optimizare cross-browser.
  • Tehnici de responsive design.
  • Cunostinte la nivel mediu Magento, Joomla, etc.
  • Solutii de ecommerce.
  • CPanel si administrare basic server dedicate.
  • Windows server, cunostiinte minimale.
  • Lucrul cu baze de date SQL.
  • Exprimare fluenta, creativa, succinta si eficienta.  
  • Abilitatea de a lucra in echipa.
  • Inclinatie catre colaborare, comunicare.
  • Proactiv, preia initiativa.
  • Creative thinking & new ideas.
  • Familiaritate cu sistem ERP integrate, aplicatii si concepte B2B.
  • Experienta similara relevanta.
  • Cunostiinte de marketing, sales constituie un avantaj.
  • Limba engleza.

Se ofera​:

  • Acces la ultimele tehnologii din industrie.
  • Acces la un mediu de lucru prietenos si profesionist unde vei invata in fiecare zi si iti vei dezvolta cariera.
  • Pachet salarial cu posibilitate de negociere functie de rezultatele obtinute.
  • Bonusuri periodice functie de indeplinirea anumitor planuri sau obiective specifice.

Titlu recrutare Senior .NET Developer / Java Web Apps


Summary objective of the job:

The project is based on both .NET and JAVA technologies, using an Agile approach (Kanban, Scrum).


Developing and maintaining web application aimed at assisting customer’s consultants in optimally performing their commercial activities by integrating various corporate information systems (e.g. SAP), partner information systems and exposing key data through web UI and web service endpoints.

Responsibilities / Projects:

  • Manage an internal application developed by the client;
  • You will work remotely with the Client’s team from Cluj and from Germay.
  • Clarifying requirements with customer contacts;
  • Developing new functionalities according to incoming requirements;
  • Maintaining backlog items;
  • Participating in code reviews and iteration planning;
  • Leading technical interviews.



The ideal candidate should understand the architecture quickly and make further development in the same spirit. 

We search a person with good communication skills (exposed to a direct interaction with clients), because there are frequent technical meetings (at least 3 times per week) with Germany (through an application called Communication, a sort of Skype). So, the English language (advanced level) is mandatory, both conversationally and in writing.

Technologies used:

  • ASP.NET MVC (C#)
  • jQuery, KnockoutJS, Telerik Kendo UI for MVC
  • MS Unity (for DI)
  • WCF
  • Entity Framework (code first)
  • Jasper
  • Gembox
  • Database system: SQL Server 2008/2012
  • Rhino Mocks for unit testing
  • TestPlant eggPlant for automated image-based testing.
  • Visual Studio 2015 with TFS for source code management, build management, requirements and project management.


Developing web application based on Java EE
Technologies used:

  • JSF 2.2
  • PrimeFaces 6
  • Apache POI and iText
  • EJB
  • JPA 2 + EclipseLink
  • GlassFish
  • PostgreSQL 9
  • SVN for source code management7

Titlu recrutare Tehnician Service Echipamente Audio-Video
CategoriiIT, Tehnic

Tehnician Service Echipamente Audio – Video

Companie de integrare si distributie audio-video, cu peste 10 ani experienta si mii de proiecte de succes, cu parteneri globali de top ce asigura calitate fara compromis pentru solutii audio-video, videoconferinta, integrare, automatizare si securitate.

Daca va incadrati criteriilor si oferta salariala este in regula, va invitam sa ne transmiteti cv-ul detaliat!

Descriere job:

  • Raspunde de inregistrarea corecta a incidentelor/ echipamentelor service in aplicatia de ticketing/ suport helpdesk a companiei.
  • Respecta fluxul de service si procedurile companiei.
  • Participa active la diagnosticarea echipamentelor aflate in service (1st line of support) si administreaza tickete in aplicatia de support a companiei.
  • Verifica componente in baza procedurilor standard sau sub indrumarea inginerului de service.
  • Participa la interventii remote si/sau la sediul clientului organizate de managerul direct.
  • Executa operatiuni specifice pe bancul de service.
  • Se preocupa de pregatirea spre livrare a echipamentelor incluzand etichetare, marcare, decolmatare, etc.
  • Se preocupa de actualizarea permanenta a fisei de service aferenta echipamentului.
  • Raspunde de buna functionare, curatenie si organizare a unitatii de service pentru productivitate maxim.
  • Raporteaza managerului de service.

Candidatul ideal:

  • Experienta intr-un domeniu similar.
  • Absolvent studii medii cu profil tehnic.
  • Notiuni de baza despre electrica si electronica.
  • Notiuni de baza despre sisteme de operare, drivere, aplicatii diverse.
  • Cunoaste si a utilizat echipamente tehnice de genul: statie de lipit, multimetru, alte echipamente specifice.
  • Cunostiinte despre tehnica audio-video.
  • Limba engleza nivel mediu (documentatii disponibile doar in limba engleza).
  • Persoana indemanatica, intuitiva si organizata.


  • Contract de munca.
  • Salariu fix 2500 lei net.
  • Decontare Transport.
  • Bonusuri pentru performanta.


Titlu recrutare Gestionar / Operator Logistica
CategoriiIT, Logistica

Gestionar & Operator Logistica

Candidatul ideal:

  • Studii medii (bacalaureat) sau studii superioare.
  • Experienta minim 3 ani intr-o pozitie similara.
  • Cunostiinte de baza aplicatii tip ERP (de preferat Charisma, CDMS).
  • Cunostiinte de baza operare WMS.
  • Cunostiinte nivel mediu aplicatii office, inclusiv Outlook.
  • Persoana organizata, analitica, motivata, comunicativa.
  • Abilitatea de a lucra in echipa si a-si sincroniza activitatea cu ceilalti colegi.

Se ofera:

  • Salariu fix negociabil 2000-2200 lei net + abonament transport.
  • Bonusuri periodice in functie de implicare si realizari.
  • Contract de munca pe perioada nedeterminata.

Asigura gestiunea fizica a stocului de marfa:

  • Opereaza in stoc miscarile de marfa.
  • Pastreaza documentele justificative legate de stoc si miscarea stocului.
  • Efectueaza la cerere inventarul stocului de marfa per reper/repere.
  • Participa activ la operatiunile de incarcare/descarcare a marfii la/din magazia firmei.
  • Raporteaza superiorului ierarhic orice neconcordanta intre stocul fizic si cel scriptic.
  • Introduce marfa in stoc in baza documentelor de intrare.
  • Efectueaza receptia fizica a marfii la intrarea in magazia firmei.
  • Inregistreaza, prelucreaza si pastreaza informatiile referitoare la situatia stocurilor.
  • Efectueaza transferurile de marfa din stocul central in sub-stocuri si retur.

Expediaza marfa catre clienti:

  • Ambaleaza si securizeaza marfa in vederea livrarii.
  • Proceseaza si emite certificatele de garantie, in conditiile agreate cu producatorii, furnizorii si client aferenti.
  • Proceseaza si emite documentele de curierat, asigurand conformitatea si integritatea expeditiei.
  • Indosariaza si raporteaza documentele de plecare ale marfurilor: AWB, CMR, etc.

  Alte activitati:

  • Organizeaza preliminar dosarele pentru declaratiiile Mediu si Intrastat.
  • Organizeaza si dispune aprovizionarea cu materiale necesare ambalarii, depozitarii si etichetarii corespunzatoare a expeditiilor si marfurilor
  • Gestioneaza comenzile de consum pentru cheltuielile de material aferente situatiilor de lucrari.
  • Raporteaza consumul pentru fiecare lucrarea responsabilului de cont aferent.
  • Organizeaza reciclarea materialelor folosite, acolo unde este cazul.

  Activitati de service, garantie si postgarantie:

  • Colecteaza, verifica si insereaza seriile de identificare ale echipamentelor si eliberereaza documentele aferente garantiilor tehnice.
  • Asigura managementul garantiilor emise
  • Deschide fise tehnice pentru echipamentele sosite in garantie si notifica departamentul responsabil.

Titlu recrutare Tehnician instalare sisteme AV
CategoriiIT, Securitate, Tehnic


  • Montaj si punere in folosinta echipamente AV la sediul clientului, national;
  • Instalare echipamente, conectare si setari;
  • Realizare infrastructura cabluri audio-video, inclusiv conectori, prize AV etc.;
  • Cablare structurata curenti slabi;
  • Configurare software de baza pentru echipamentele instalate: drivere, aplicatii interactive etc.;
  • Asigurare interventii service si mentenanta in garantie si postgarantie on site pentru clienti;
  • Intocmirea documentatiei necesara fiecarei interventii/instalari pentru o cat mai buna gestionare si remediere, dupa caz;
  • Intocmirea si respectarea documentelor de gestiune a produselor si accesoriilor aflate in custodia sa;
  • Raspunde de integritatea echipamentelor aflata in folosinta sa;
  • Sa se adreseze clientilor in mod respectuos si sa aibe o atitudine corespunzatoare;
  • Alte activitati conexe: livrari de echipamente, activitati interne de organizare si procesare.

Cerinte generale:

  • Absolvent studii medii cu profil tehnic (electrica, instalatii, politehnica, etc);
  • Experienta in lucrul cu echipamente electronice, notiuni de baza;
  • Notiuni de baza in lucrul cu instalatii de alimentare cu energie electrica;
  • Experienta in lucrari de retelistica – cablare structurata, conectare, medii de transmisie, etc.;
  • Disponibilitate la deplasari si program prelungit;
  • Seriozitate, loialitate, bun simt;
  • Responsabilitate, mod riguros de organizare a propriei activităţi;
  • Rezistenta la stres privind predarea la termen a sarcinilor de serviciu si lucrul la mai multe proiecte in paralel.

Cerinte specifice:

  • Folosirea echipamentelor tehnice de genul: bormasina, surubelnite, fierastrau pendular, fierastrau circular etc.;
  • Lucrul la inaltime: scari, schele etc.;
  • Folosirea echipamentelor tehnice de genul: statie de lipit, cleste sertizat etc.;
  • Cunostiinte minime despre instalarea drivere sau aplicatii conexe echipamentelor;
  • Cunostiinte minime de limba engleza pentru intelegerea documentatiilor;
  • Cunostiite minime despre aplicatii informatice;
  • Cunostiinte minime tehnica audio-video.

Titlu recrutare Graphic Designer – agentie de digital marketing

Graphic Designer – agentie de digital marketing

Clientul nostru este o agentie de web design care pune accent pe creativitate si inovare.


  • Experienta pe un post similar sau activitate de freelancer pe grafica;
  • Cunostinte excelente de utilizare a suitei Adobe (Illustrator & Photoshop);
  • Adobe After Effects reprezinta avantaj;
  • Asteptam si portofoliul cu proiectele dezvoltate la adresa:


  • Realizare de materiale grafice si logo design-uri pentru diverse companii, bazate pe briefing-ul dat de client.


  • Contract de munca, full-time, program L-V, 8h/zi (zona Unirii);
  • Salariu negociabil 3000-3500 lei net + bonusuri de performata;
  • Asigurare medicala.

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Titlu recrutare Senior Presales Engineer –  IT&C 
CategoriiIT, Management, Tehnic, Vanzari

Senior Presales Engineer –  IT&C 

 The Company is a leader in system’s integrator based on data collection applications with the help of bar code technology and radio frequency identification (RFID).

If you’re passionate about the transformative power of technology and innovation, this is the place for you!

Requirements Profile:

  • University Degree in Engineering or Automation
  • Professional experience: 3+ years
  • Technology knowledge: IT&C
  • Several years of experience in process automation – including PLC’s
  • Previous experience in industry specific tools and applications is a plus
  • Ability to forge and maintain strong cross-departmental relationships
  • Knowledge of the latest technology trends
  • Skills required: disciplined, process minded, good presentation and communication skills
  • Fluent written and spoken English 
  • Driving license (B)
  • Willing to travel in RO and abroad

Main Tasks:

  • Support our Sales team in winning new sales as a technical and strategic resource throughout all aspects of the sales process through technical presentations and technical calls
  • Participate in sales meetings as a technical and product expert, while contributing to technical objections/suggestions from clients
  • Meet with customers to understand their current technical environment, key business issues; create a detailed Solutions Overview based on customer needs
  • Prepare technical offer
  • Help to eliminate sales obstacles through innovative and adaptive approaches 
  • Maintain technical knowledge for supporting product applications by participating in external and in-house training activities.


  • Competitive salary based on experience
  • Benefits that you can enjoy: Medical subscription, Bookster, fresh fruits, free coffee and tea, an exciting job in a growing company, professional development opportunities.

Submit your application by email to


Titlu recrutare Middle/Senior Front-End Developer/UK Agency
CategoriiIT, Tehnic

Middle/Senior WordPress Developer

UK Agency

Our client is an entrepreneur agency, they help big organizations launch bold new ideas. Whether it’s launching global automotive propositions or a new Virgin brand they are always doing something new and exciting.

They built a successful team in London, UK who service global clients. Now, they need a global team to deliver on the exciting opportunities they identified. Whether it’s ad tech, creative marketing or software development, Bucharest will be their center of excellence for technical and creative marketing. This role will be one of the first for their new energized Bucharest operation and they have ambitious plans.

The job

We’re looking for a detail oriented and creative front-end developer who can build WordPress websites from scratch and create WordPress themes and plugins.

You’ll need coding skills in PHP, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript so that you can work independently and build websites that customers love.

Also, you’ll be aware of the latest industry trends in content management systems and can recommend systems other than WordPress when needed.

You won’t need advanced design skills as you’ll be working with designers however, you’ll need an eye for design so you can check your work matches design specifications.


  • Collaborating with designers to implement new features and functionality.
  • Establishing and guiding the website’s architecture.
  • Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of
  • the CMS.
  • Help formulate an effective, responsive design and turning it into a working theme
  • and plugin.
  • Making sure the code deployed is fully functioning.
  • Occasional all expenses paid travel to the UK for client meetings and company-wide
  • team events.

Skills and Qualifications

  • Good understanding of front-end technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript,
  • jQuery.
  • Experience building user interfaces for websites and/or web applications.
  • Experience working in a collaborative team.
  • Experience developing responsive design websites.
  • Comfortable working with debugging tools like Firebug, Chrome inspector, etc.
  • Ability to understand CSS changes and their ramifications to ensure consistent style
  • across platforms and browsers.
  • Ability to convert comprehensive layout and wireframes into working HTML pages.
  • Knowledge of how to interact with RESTful APIs and formats (JSON, XML).
  • Advanced spoken and written English;
  • Experience with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics would be an advantage,
  • but is not essential.


  • Competitive salary, up to 1500 euro net/month.
  • Flexible working hours, core hours 10-5 pm and remote 1 day/week.
  • Office location Anchor Business Center Militari.
  • Access to training materials and courses required to grow your skills.
  • All expenses paid team events.
  • A tour of the United Kingdom House of Commons.

Submit your application by email to


Titlu recrutare PPC Manager UK Agency
CategoriiIT, Management, Marketing

PPC Manager UK Agency

Our client is an entrepreneur agency, they help big organizations launch bold new ideas. Whether it’s launching global automotive propositions or a new Virgin brand they are always doing something new and exciting.

They built a successful team in London, UK who service global clients. Now, they need a global team to deliver on the exciting opportunities they identified. Whether it’s ad tech, creative marketing or software development, Bucharest will be their center of excellence for technical and creative marketing. This role will be one of the first for their new energized Bucharest operation and they have ambitious plans.

The Job

  • Strategise for both standalone PPC campaigns and as part of wider channel marketing plans.
  • Management of Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising campaigns –campaign setup +
  • implementation, tracking and optimization.
  • Keyword research, analysis and strategy.
  • Writing and testing high performing ad copy.
  • Understanding and analyse website data from Google Analytics and translate these into
  • simple terms for team + clients.
  • Create regular reports on PPC activity and provide insight and recommendations.
  • Recommend changes to website that will improve performance.
  • Liaise with Account Managers at Google + Microsoft to resolve any issues and optimise and
  • further develop campaigns.

Skills and experience

  • Demonstrable experience managing successful PPC campaigns with references.
  • Excellent written English and copy skills.
  • Ability to work on own initiative and part of a wider remote team.
  • ROI focused, with a drive to meet and exceed targets.
  • Google Partners Qualifications.
  • Bing Ads Accredited Professional.
  • Google Analytics Individual Qualification (preferred).

Some of our benefits include:

  • Competitive salary, up to 1500 euro net/month (depending on experience).
  • Flexible working hours, core hours 10-5 pm and remote 1 day/week.
  • Modern Offices Anchor Business Center Militari.
  • Access to training materials and courses required to grow your skills.
  • All expenses paid team events.
  • A tour of the United Kingdom House of Commons.

Submit your application by email to


Titlu recrutare Graphic Designer UK Agency
CategoriiIT, Marketing

Graphic Designer UK Agency – with portfolio

Our client is an entrepreneur agency, they help big organizations launch bold new ideas. Whether it’s launching global automotive propositions or a new Virgin brand they are always doing something new and exciting.

They built a successful team in London, UK who service global clients. Now, they need a global team

to deliver on the exciting opportunities they identified. Whether it’s ad tech, creative marketing or software development, Bucharest will be their centre of excellence for technical and creative marketing. This role will be one of the first for their new energized Bucharest operation and they have ambitious plans.

The job

We’re looking for a creative graphic designer who’s bursting with new ideas and appreciates great design. You’ll be responsible for the production of digital graphic design for presentations, posters, illustrations, social media and websites.


  • Working methodically and creatively to deliver beautiful graphic designs.
  • Following internal and client brand guidelines.
  • Amending designs in response to internal and client feedback.
  • Thinking through design briefs carefully and understanding client needs.
  • Managing relationships with external printers to print designs.
  • Collaborating with other creatives and stakeholders.

Skills and Qualifications

  • Excellent knowledge of Adobe Suite (especially Photoshop & Illustrator).
  • An impressive portfolio of previous work including illustrations, posters,
  • presentations, photography manipulation and micro-websites.
  • Advanced spoken and written English.

Some of our benefits include:

  • Competitive salary 1100-1300 euro net/month (depending on experience).
  • Flexible working hours, core hours 10-5 pm and remote 1 day/week.
  • Modern Offices Anchor Business Center Militari.
  • Access to training materials and courses required to grow your skills.
  • All expenses paid team events.
  • A tour of the United Kingdom House of Commons.

Submit your application by email to


Titlu recrutare UI / UX Designer – UK Agency
CategoriiIT, Marketing

We are looking for a Midd/ Senior UI/ UX Designer with experience working on digital product and marketing projects to join our growing team in Bucharest.

Our client is an UK entrepreneur agency, they help big organizations launch bold new ideas. Whether it’s launching global automotive propositions or a new Virgin brand they are always doing something new and exciting.

Skills required:
• Proven UI experience;
• Strong analytical and visual skills, ability to understand problems and express the complexity of them in clear terms to technical and non-technical stakeholders;
• Ability to take the initiative, be assertive and think strategically;
• Ability to deliver quality in a fast paced environment;
• Aptitude for multi-tasking, working to emerging & tight timelines;
• Excellent organizational, verbal and written communication skills in both Romanian and English;
• Capable of prioritizing and managing your own workload;
• Quality focus and attention to detail;
• Able to travel to client sites (within Europe) for up to 5 days per month.

Key responsibilities:
• Working with product managers, business analysts and a remote development team to create low and high fidelity designs that developers can understand and delight the user;
• Creating wireframes, prototypes, user flows, user journey maps and personas;
• Participating in agile rituals with a remote agile product team;
• Establish and promote design guidelines, best practices and standards;
• Ability to think on a high level about product strategy and vision;
• Must have portfolio highlighting mobile and desktop web design work.

• Competitive salary;
• Flexible working hours;
• Access to training materials and courses required to grow your skills;
• All expenses paid team events.

Submit your application by email to


Titlu recrutare Professional WEB Designer
CategoriiIT, Marketing

WEB Designer

Agentie de digital marketing cu peste 10 ani experienta in proiecte complexe: portaluri foarte complexe de publishing, site-uri de ecommerce, aplicatii & website-uri flash, proiecte de brand etc.


  • Va prelucra imagini;
  • Va crea KIT-uri de identitate (logo, carti de vizita, foi cu antet, plicuri. Etc);
  • Va intocmi designul paginilor web;
  • Va intocmi designul pentru bannere, newslettere, sectiuni noi ale site-urilor, diverse felicitari, ghiduri; 
  • Va intocmi designul pentru afise, pliante, carti de vizita, brosuri, roll-up-uri;
  • Va realiza HTML & CSS pentru newslettere, site-uri;
  • Va realiza branding, rebranding, logo-uri;
  • Va propune si implementa concepte de design;
  • Va dezvolta noile website-uri si mentine/imbunatatii designul celor existente.


  • Detinerea unui portofoliu complex reprezinta avantaj;
  • Cunostinte avansate de Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator/Corel Draw Adobe, InDesign, grafica vectoriala;
  • Cunostinte medii de Adobe Dreamweaver, HTML/CSS;
  • Notiuni de compozitie, cromatica, desen;
  • Cunostinte sisteme de publicitate indoor si outdoor;
  • Capacitatea de a lucra conform specificatiilor unui manual de identitate vizuala-avantaj;
  • Cunostinte transformare imagini din Photoshop in XHTML si CSS;
  • Persoana creativa si cu idei inovatoare;
  • Sensibilitate la detalii, atentie selectiva si abilitati de time-management.


  • Pachet financiar motivant;
  • Prime si bonusuri/proiecte;
  • Mediu de lucru placut si flexibil.

Asteptam cv-ul detaliat + portofoliul realizat de-a lungul timpului pe zona de web. Succes!

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Titlu recrutare Key Account Representative AV
CategoriiIT, Vanzari
LocațiaBucharest, Iasi, Timisoara, Cluj

Area Account Manager B2B (Hunting & Farming experience in Audio Video)

Our client is a leading Distributor and Integrator on Romanian market for audio-visual and security & safety solutions.
Excellent start if you are familiar with the AV industry and/or some of our brands Sony, Panasonic, Extron, Mitsubishi, Polycom, Cisco, Infocus, etc.


  • Proven work experience as a sales representative (1, 2 years) in the same or similar sector;
  • Excellent knowledge of MS Office;
  • Willingness to learn the know how of the industry specifics;
  • Familiarity with Business Relationships Management and Customer Relationships Management practices along with ability to build productive business professional relationships;
  • Highly motivated and target driven with a proven track record in sales;
  • Excellent selling, communication and negotiation skills;
  • Prioritizing, time management and organizational skills;
  • Ability to create and deliver presentations tailored to the audience needs;
  • Relationship management skills and openness to feedback;
  • BS/BA degree or equivalent.

What You Will Do

  • Present, promote and sell products/services using solid arguments to existing and prospective customers;
  • Perform cost-benefit and needs analysis of existing/potential customers to meet their needs;
  • Establish, develop and maintain positive business and customer relationships;
  • Reach out to customer leads through cold calling;
  • Expedite the resolution of customer problems and complaints to maximize satisfaction;
  • Achieve agreed upon sales targets and outcomes within schedule;
  • Coordinate sales effort with team members and other departments;
  • Analyze the territory/market’s potential, track sales and status reports;
  • Supply management with reports on customer needs, problems, interests, competitive activities, and potential for new products and services.

What you will get?

  • Access to professional inside and abroad training with reputable AV manufacturers;
  • Fixed salary based on your skills and work experience plus a sales commission based on your results;
  • Mobile, laptop, auto, etc.

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Titlu recrutare Coordonator Licitatii
CategoriiAchizitii, IT, Management, Vanzari

Coordonator Licitatii

Clientul este o companie integrator de solutii  audio-video, cu peste 10 ani experienta si mii de proiecte de succes, cu parteneri globali de top ce asigura calitate fara compromis pentru solutii audio-video, videoconferinta, integrare, automatizare si securitate.


  • Absolvent studii superioare, preferabil domeniul economic sau drept;
  • Cunostinte solide privind utilizarea sistemului SEAP/SICAP si a semnaturii electronice;
  • Cunostinte de limba engleza, nivel bun (scris, vorbit, citit);
  • Experienta relevanta in domeniul licitatiilor publice, de preferat in IT/AV/telecom sau similar;
  • Cunostinte bune privind legile si reglementarile romanesti in domeniul achizitiilor publice;
  • Cunostinte de legislatie europeana (a prevalentei legislatiei europene asupra legii romanesti, legislatie europeana comerciala);
  • Capacitatea de a organiza procesele de ofertare/achizitii;
  • Persoana organizata, capabila sa se impuna, cu capacitate de analiza si sinteza, atitudine proactiva, orientare puternica spre rezultat si termene, abilitati de comunicare si negociere;
  • Managementul si motivarea echipei, abilitati de leadership;
  • Cunostiinte operare PC nivel avansat: outlook, aplicatii office, aplicatii ERP etc.


  • Identificarea licitatiilor la nivel national si international ce corespund companiei consultand site-urile specializate si nelimitandu-se la platforma SEAP/SICAP;
  • Preanaliza Documentatiilor de atribuire (clarificari necesare si/sau a motivelor de contestare).
  • Intocmirea documentatiei pentru participarea la licitatii, inclusiv a raspunsurilor la solicitarile de clarificare;
  • Redactarea ofertelor tehnice si economice ale companiei, in colaborare cu celelalte departamente;
  • Colaborarea cu departamentul de legal/restul departamentelor in vederea intocmirii notificarilor prealabile si/sau a contestatiilor in cadrul procedurilor de atribuire in lucru.
  • Mentinerea legaturii cu autoritatile contractante sau cu organizatorii licitatiilor pe parcursul derularii procedurilor aferente;
  • Acordarea de asistenta in perioada post-licitatie (fie monitorizarea contractelor castigate, fie demararea si gestionarea contestatiilor in numele companiei);
  • Gestionarea catalogului de produse al companniei, publicarea produselor si/sau serviciilor in catalog si actualizarea periodica a acestuia.


  • Salariu negociabil in functie de experienta;
  • Prime si asigurare medicala privata;
  • Contract full-time, program L-V 9-17:30;
  • Zona Centrala, sector 1.

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Titlu recrutare Account Manager –  IT&C 
CategoriiIT, Management, Marketing, Tehnic, Vanzari
LocațiaBucharest, Timișoara

Business Developer / Account Manager IT&C –  RFID solutions for Manufacturing Industry, Logistics & Transport Area 

The Company is leader in system’s integrator based on data collection applications with the help of bar code technology and radio frequency identification (RFID).

With a background and good understanding in the Manufacturing Industry or Logistics & Travel, you will develop trusting relationships with new customers for the purpose of identifying new opportunities, and selling IT&C services.


  • Generating new sales / new business, B2B, using existing and potential customer networks from manufacturing industry or logistics area (75% new business sales);
  • Manage multiple accounts from manufacturing industry or transport & logistics field, develop positive working relationships with all customer touch points;
  • Set and track sales account targets, aligned with company objectives;
  • Collaborate with sales team to identify and grow opportunities within territory: Bucuresti, Ilfov, Ploiesti, Pitesti, Dambovita, Giurgiu, Constanta);
  • Prepare reports on account status;
  • Service multiple clients concurrently, often meeting deadlines;
  • Negotiate technical and commercial terms of the contracts to be signed;
  • Meet and exceed sales targets.


  • Bachelor’s Degree;
  • 3+ years experience in Business Development and/or Account Management in IT&C industry (selling IT&C integrated solutions for Manufacturing Industry or Logistics &Transport Area);
  • Appropriate level of technical knowledge and skills in order to achieve the sales targets;
  • Excellent English language skills (speaking and writing);
  • Strong customer focus;
  • Confident communication (written and oral) skills and a demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with all levels of internal and external organizations;
  • Driver’s license, B category (targeted areas: Bucuresti, Ilfov, Ploiesti, Pitesti, Dambovita, Giurgiu, Constanta).
  • Participate to specific industry event(s) to meet with key customers in person.


  • Trainings and personal development opportunities;
  • Competitive salary: 5000-6000 lei net depending on experience commission;
  • We know benefits are important, that’s why we provide you: working from home option, medical subscription; access to the Bookster library; fruits, water, tea and coffee at the office.

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Titlu recrutare Business Developer Vertical Markets
CategoriiIT, Tehnic, Vanzari

Business Developer Vertical Markets

With a background and good understanding in the IT&C industry, you will develop trusting relationships with customers for the purpose of identifying new opportunities, and selling products and services for Manufacturing or Vertical Markets.


  • Bachelors or masters degree;
  • 2+ years proven experience in IT&C B2B sales (preferable in manufacturing, industrial area);
  • Good understanding/knowledge/experience of consultative selling;
  • Drivers license, B category.


  • Generating new sales using existing and potential customer networks;
  • Initiates sales process by building relationships; qualifying potential; scheduling appointments;
  • Develops sales by making initial presentation; explaining product and service enhancements and additions; introducing new products and services;
  • Preparing contracts and negotiate technical and commercial terms of the contracts to be signed;
  • Set and track sales account targets, aligned with company objectives;
  • Reporting on time in CRM all opportunities: lead, deals, meetings & calls.

Skills and Qualifications:

  • Establishing partnerships/alliances;
  • Prospecting skills;
  • Meeting sales goals;
  • Planning;
  • Initiative;
  • Customer focus.


  • In house & external professional trainings and personal development opportunities;
  • You are going to be part of a fun work environment where innovative ideas are appreciated and success is rewarded;
  • Competitive salary depending on skills and experience;
  • Also we have: medical subscription, Bookster, extra vacation days, flexible working hours, fresh tasty fruit, working from home option; short Friday, bonus for achieving quotas.

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Titlu recrutare Retail Account Manager IT&C Services
CategoriiIT, Vanzari

Retail Account Manager IT&C Services

With a background and good understanding in the IT&C industry, you will develop trusting relationships with customers for the purpose of identifying new opportunities, and selling products and services for Retail Area.

Innovate in your supply chains to speed up processes, advance with multichannel order-fulfillmen to create unforgettable shopping journeys, and ensure sound profitability for a better future.


  • Bachelors or masters degree;
  • Proven experience in IT&C B2B sales solutions preferably in RETAIL area;
  • Knowledge about: digitalisation, mobility, automation and robotisation solutions in RETAIL;
  • Good understanding/knowledge/experience of consultative selling;
  • Drivers license, B category.


  • Generating new sales using existing and potential customer networks;
  • Initiates sales process by building relationships; qualifying potential; scheduling appointments;
  • Develops sales by making initial presentation; explaining product and service enhancements and additions; introducing new products and services;
  • Preparing contracts and negotiate technical and commercial terms of the contracts to be signed;
  • Set and track sales account targets, aligned with company objectives;
  • Reporting on time in CRM all opportunities: lead, deals, meetings & calls.

Skills and Qualifications:

  • Retail Customer focus;
  • Establishing partnerships/alliances;
  • Prospecting skills;
  • Meeting sales goals;
  • Planning;
  • Initiative.


  • In house & external professional trainings and personal development opportunities;
  • You are going to be part of a fun work environment where innovative ideas are appreciated and success is rewarded;
  • Competitive salary depending on skills and experience;
  • Also we have: medical subscription, Bookster, extra vacation days, flexible working hours, fresh tasty fruit, working from home option; short Friday, bonus for achieving quotas.

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Titlu recrutare Tehnician Service Echipamente Retail
CategoriiIT, Tehnic

Tehnician Service Echipamente Retail (cantare electronice)

Compania este lider în domeniul IT din România, cel mai important furnizor şi integrator de tehnologii de varf care transformă spectaculos mediile intensive de lucru, la un nivel neatins până acum. Firnizeaza solutii tehnice si softuri personalizate pentru diverse domenii de activitate: retail, logistica, transport, productie, snatate, utilitati etc.

Inovează constant şi furnizează soluţii de automatizare şi transformare a magazinelor pentru companii de retail de toate tipurile şi dimensiunile, venind în sprijinul atingerii obiectivelor comerciale şi contribuind la crearea de excelenta în servirea clientilor.

Compania ofera aplicaţii conectate în timp real, cu ajutorul carora clientii pot controla noile medii hibride fizico-digitale din varii sectioare de activitate.

Daca te interesează să descoperi tehnologiile actuale și de viitor și iți dorești să te dezvolți profesional într-o companie de succes, te invitam să te alaturi unei echipe de profesionisti.


• Studii tehnice medii/superioare;
• Experiență pe o poziție similară prerezinta avantaj (se ofera si training in domeniu pentru cei care se pot adapta rapid);
• Cunoștinte hardware (diagnosticare, configurare, instalare), rețelistică, electronică, mecanica;
• Abilități de comunicare, planificare și organizare;
• Cunoștințe limba engleza pentru analiza documente tehnice echipamente;
• Disponibilitate deplasari 50% din timp in Bucuresti si limitrof pentru mentenanță echipamente folosite in retail;
• Permis conducere categoria B.


• Execută depanarea/configurarea/instalarea echipamentelor din portofoliul companiei, in special cantare electronice si alte echipamente folosite in magazine (imprimante fiscale, retelistica etc);
• Asigură suportul tehnic pe teren, la client sau de la distanta, analizează cauzele defecțiunilor și propune lista de piese de schimb, a echipamentelor și a consumabilelor;
• Asigură instruirea clienților cu privire la utilizarea echipamentelor;
• Întocmește documentaţia necesară fiecărei intervenţii (fişă service / proces verbal de predare primire si punere in functiune).


• Salariu negociabil in functie de experienta pe o pozitie similara;
• Un pachet complex de beneficii pentru a încuraja oamenii energici și muncitori: un mediu modern de lucru, acces la biblioteca Bookster, abonament medical, program flexibil (8h/zi, cu incepere de la 8:30 sau 9:30), bonus de performanță pana la 15% din salariu, zi naștere liberă, zile concediu suplimentare în funcție de vechime, penultima vineri din lună zi scurtă, fructe, cafea la birou.

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Titlu recrutare Consultant Aplicatii ERP
CategoriiEconomic, IT, Servicii Profesionale

Consultant Aplicatii ERP

Compania este lider în domeniul IT din România, cel mai important furnizor şi integrator de tehnologii de varf care transformă spectaculos mediile intensive de lucru, la un nivel neatins până acum.

Funizeaza solutii tehnice si softuri personalizate pentru diverse domenii de activitate: retail, logistica, transport, productie, sanatate, utilitati etc.

Inovează constant şi furnizează soluţii de automatizare şi transformare a magazinelor pentru companii de retail si ofera aplicaţii conectate în timp real, cu ajutorul carora clientii pot controla noile medii hibride fizico-digitale din varii sectoare de activitate.

Daca te interesează să descoperi tehnologiile actuale și de viitor și iți dorești să te dezvolți profesional într-o companie de succes, te invitam să te alaturi unei echipe de profesionisti.

Dupa perioada de proba se poate lucra si Hibrid. Incurajam sa aplice Juniorii dar si pe cei cu experienta medie si peste medie pe un post similar.


  • Excelente abilitati de comunicare, orientare catre client si rezultate;
  • Diploma de licenta in Economie sau Informatica / Informatica Economica/Cibernetica;
  • Cunostintele de contabilitate si SQL reprezinta un avantaj;
  • Experiență de lucru cu soluții software de tip business (ERP, CRM, DM, SAP sau altele);
  • Disponibilitate la deplasari pe teren la sediul clientului (frecventa mica).


  • Configurare aplicatie ERP conform cerintelor clientilor;
  • Consultanta si training utilizatori;
  • Suport clientilor pentru modulele financiar-contabile;
  • Testare noi functionalitati si elaborarea procedurilor de lucru;
  • Operatii de contabilitate primara si intretinere nomenclatoare de parteneri, articole;
  • Preluare sesizarilor privind disfunctionalitati sau erori, analiza si solutionarea acestora impreuna cu departamentele de suport;
  • Asistenta utilizatorilor via email, telefon, Teams sau la sediul clientului;
  • Suport tehnic post-implementare in utilizarea aplicatiilor;
  • Instalare aplicatie ERP.


  • Un loc de muncă atractiv în cadrul unei echipe proactive;
  • Expunerea la tehnologii și soluții de ultimă generație;
  • Salariu motivant conform experienței;
  • Diverse certificări și training-uri;
  • Abonament medical;
  • Bookster;
  • Zile suplimentare de concediu;
  • Program flexibil de lucru 8h/zi;
  • Fructe proaspete;
  • Varianta lucru si de acasă;
  • Ultima zi de vineri a lunii program redus.

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Titlu recrutare Purchasing Specialist – IT Industry (Hybrid Work)
CategoriiAchizitii, IT, Tehnic, Vanzari

Purchasing Specialist – IT Industry (Hybrid Work)

The Company is an IT leader in the Romanian industry. They have built a reputation of the most important provider and integrator of high technologies that makes intensive environments great ahead of times. They are offering connected & real time apps in the hybrid digital-physical environment for: retail, logistics, manufacturing area and so on.


  • Bachelor degree in relevant field;
  • 1-2 years of related Contracts/purchasing experience;
  • Negotiation, organizational and problem-solving skills;
  • Proficient communication skills both written and verbal;
  • Fluent in English & MS Office Skills.

Main responsabilities:

  • Negotiates best pricing and other supply terms with vendors;
  • Process purchase daily orders;
  • Cross functional support within the purchasing department;
  • File and maintain purchase orders and invoices;
  • Investigating and solving any problems with the orders, invoices;
  • Maintain cost savings and appropriate inventory levels;
  • Maintains good relations with internal and external customers by ensuring professional behavior consistent with company policies and practices.


  • Competitive salary depending on skills and experience;
  • Medical subscription, Bookster, extra vacation days;
  • Flexible working hours, 8h/day, M-F;
  • Work from home option, short friday, bonus for achieving quotas;
  • Modern environment to work, near Promenada Mall, 1st District.

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Titlu recrutare Senior Purchasing Responsible (Audio-Video Solutions)
CategoriiAchizitii, IT, Vanzari

Senior Purchasing Responsible

(Audio-Video Solutions)

Our client is one of the top leading audio-visual integrators on the Romanian market. Their successful story is made of thousands of local projects in various areas such as government, education, corporate and residential, a large warehouse with key items available for NBD shipping and the ability to design and install state-of-the-art solutions with first class services.

Having a solid international presence, they are proudly representing vendors like: Panasonic, Sony, Samsung, Optoma, Chief, Projecta, Mitsubishi, Jupiter, Crestron, Extron, Cisco etc.


  • Bachelor’s degree in business administration, supply chain management, or a similar field preferable;
  • Creates and implements department procedures and goals;
  • In depth knowledge of purchasing strategies;
  • Problem-solving skills and must be a team player with strong organizational skills;
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal, and negotiation skills;
  • Able to develop and coordinate a small department;
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office and with business application software, purchasing, and resource planning systems;
  • Proficient in English;
  • Relevant experience same AV/similar IT&C industry;
  • Export/import EU/non-EU experience is a must.


  • Implements department procedures and realizing department goals;
  • Reporting department activities to top management;
  • Responsible for the preparation and process purchase orders and documents in accordance with company policies and procedures;
  • Oversees procurement, sourcing, and contracting of supplies equipment and services;
  • Handles the day-to-day activities of the Procurement department;
  • Maintain a direct and strong cooperation with Sales Department;
  • Ensures competent quality execution of all regular purchasing duties and administrative works;
  • Maintains complete updated purchasing records/data and pricing in the system;
  • Prepares reports for top management;
  • Supports relevant departments with quotations for the purpose of cost calculation and projects;
  • Coordinates with suppliers to ensure on-time delivery;
  • Strong negotiations abilities.


  • Competitive salary depending on skills and experience;
  • Bonus for achieving quotas, medical subscription.

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Titlu recrutare Sales Project Manager Audio-Video Solutions
CategoriiAchizitii, IT, Vanzari

Sales Project Manager Audio-Video Solutions

Our client is one of the top leading audio-visual integrators on the Romanian market. Their successful story is made of thousands of local projects in various areas such as government, education, corporate and residential, a large warehouse with key items available for NBD shipping and the ability to design and install state-of-the-art solutions with first class services.

Having a solid international presence, they are proudly representing vendors like: Panasonic, Sony, Samsung, Optoma, Chief, Projecta, Mitsubishi, Jupiter, Crestron, Extron, Cisco etc.

He/She is responsible for managing the sales process from start to finish, which includes developing sales strategies, setting quotas, working with internal and external stakeholders to ensure that all projects are completed on time, within budget, and according to specifications.


  • Bachelor’s Degree;
  • Relevant experience in same/ similar position and industry: Audio-Video, IT&C industry;
  • Dealing with clients from Private and Public Sector, selling integrate Audio-Video solutions for complex projects;
  • Appropriate level of technical knowledge and skills in order to achieve the sales targets;
  • Excellent English language skills;
  • Strong customer focus.

Skills and Qualifications:

  • Sales & Project Manager;
  • Establishing key partnerships/alliance: corporate, government;
  • Prospecting skills;
  • Meeting sales goals;
  • Planning and coordinating project life cycle
  • Initiative, autonomy and able to collaboratre with all parties


  • Creating and maintaining sales goals as well as forecasting future sales trends;
  • Conducting market research to identify potential clients and determine their needs;
  • Working with clients to define their needs and goals in order to create effective solutions to meet their requirements;
  • Developing proposals that detail products or services that meet client needs, outlining pricing information and terms of sale;
  • Coordinating with other departments within the company, such as preselling, engineering, purchasing and marketing to ensure that all relevant parties have been informed of the project’s status;
  • Developing and managing budgets for each project while accounting for all costs;
  • Resolving customer service issues by communicating with clients to explain product features and benefits and answering any questions about products or services;
  • Coordinating with outside vendors to obtain appropriate products or services from them according to clients need.


  • Competitive salary depending on skills and experience;
  • Bonus for achieving quotas, medical subscription and logistics.

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Titlu recrutare Agent Telemarketing – Promovare Solutii Audio Video / IT&C
CategoriiIT, Marketing, Vanzari

Agent Telemarketing – Promovare Solutii Audio Video / IT&C

Principalele obiective ale proiectului sunt: actualizarea bazei de date, promovarea solutiilor si produselor, leaduri pentru vanzare, promovare cursuri, campanii si inscrieri la evenimente, suport in derularea proiectelor.

Principalele responsabilităţi:

  • Contacteaza clientii in vederea prezentarii produselor si serviciilor conform campaniilor planificate.
  • Prezintă serviciile companiei prin telefon, ofera consultanta si raspunsuri fundamentate la întrebarile clientilor transferand apoi relatia la departamentul de vanzare;
  • Stabileste participari la evenimente, promoveaza cursuri sau alte activitatii din cadrul campaniilor planificate.
  • Ofera suport in vederea implementarii proiectelor pe teren la client;
  • Foloseste si actualizeaza baza de date cu informatii despre client.

Candidatul Ideal:

  • Experienta in promovare prin telefon, telemarketing, telesales sau pe pozitii similare.
  • Placerea de a comunica cu clientii din diferite domenii de activitate, din zona corporate/public.
  • Intelege nevoile clientului prin ascultare atenta si proactiva.
  • Excelente abilitati de comunicare, relationare, personalitate placuta, empatica care stabileste usor si natural relatii.
  • Este un coleg bun si om de echipa.


  • Salariu fix 3500-4500 lei net in functie de experienta;
  • Program L-V 9-17:30 (cu pauza de masa);
  • Asigurare medicala si logistica necesara;
  • Activitate de birou, sector 1, zona Basarab, langa metrou.

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Titlu recrutare Professional Digital Marketer / eCommerce
CategoriiIT, Marketing, Vanzari

Professional Digital Marketer / eCommerce

The company is the largest retailer of nutritional supplements internationally and one of the most important manufacturers in this field.

We are looking for a competent Digital Marketing Specialist to support, optimize and develop our organization’s digital marketing projects (martketplace development, new projects and E-commerce platforms for other countries, according to our business objectives).

Your creative thinking skills and strategies will be an essential part in driving our digital narrative, enhancing our organization’s image, improving digital communication with clients, and encouraging business growth through effective campaigns, marketplace and other project with visibility also in other countries.


  • Supporting marketing initiatives: E-commerce projects, marketplace for Romania and other neighbouring countries etc.
  • Handling product and service launches on our site and on other platforms.
  • Support in creating and managing mailing lists and online marketing materials.
  • Negotiating sponsorship agreements.
  • Researching market trends.
  • Identifying and engaging with vendors (multi vendor ecommerce markeplace)
  • Coordinating online marketing events.
  • Developing and sourcing content for digital platforms.
  • Coordinates SEO Optimization, Google analytics, Google Ads.


  • Degree in Marketing, Advertising, or equivalent.
  • E-commerce project specialist experience or ralated jobs.
  • Knowledge of CMS (preferable Magento).
  • Knowledge of web analytics.
  • Strong presentation skills.
  • Active on social media.
  • Highly organized.
  • Strong computer literacy.
  • Strong attention to detail.


    • Competitive sallary depending on experience.
    • Permanent contract and work stability.

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