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Nota catre candidati referitoare la protectia datelor cu caracter personal
Titlu recrutare | Head of Marketing & Innovation |
Categorii | Comunicare, Management, Marketing |
Locația | Bucuresti |
Detalii | - 3-4 years experience in the marketing field in FMCG/Retail/Banking;
- Experience working abroad is a plus;
- Strong personality, with innovative ideas in marketing area;
- Excellent in marketing strategy, branding, innovation, sees the big picture;
- Extensive experience in all aspects of developing and maintaining marketing strategies to meet organizational objectives.
- Strong understanding of customer and market dynamics and requirements.
- Willingness to understand and build a new concept.
- Initiative, the third sense in all that communication skills.
In this role, YOUR main duties will be: - Developing, maintaining and continuous updating of marketing strategy to meet company objectives.
- Developing of annual marketing plan together with GM,
- Overseeing all marketing, advertising and promotional activities.
- Evaluating customer needs, market conditions, competitors data and proposing and implementing marketing plans as needed.
O singură aplicare, prin transmiterea cv-ului pe email, este suficientă pentru primirea consimțâmântului și înscrierea în baza de date și considerarea candidaturii pentru toate posturile asemănatoare și pentru cele care corespund candidaturii voastre.